Liberty University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Books are expensive!


I wish I knew that even though the school appears to be boring, there is truly something to do almost everyday, on top of every weekend. You just need to place yourself amongst the right group of people and the fun will come to you.


nothing that i can think of. i cam to school expecting nothing so i would not be surprised.


I wish I had known before attending Liberty University that there were very few parking spaces to accomodate everyone driving to school.


I wish I would have been more aware of the scholarships that this campus gives, and just more aware of how I can get help about finiacial aid.


Not to bring everything that I own. There is not much room for everything.


I wish I had known how to interact with people more and how to better manage money. Mostly because in the real world you have to be able to work woth people you don't necissarilly get a long with and I wish I had done that more, and you always need to know how to manage money and it is a good life skill to have.


I feel like I was prepared.


It's uber-conservative. At times even more-so that Bob Jones University or any of the other Christian schools. What makes it worse is that they put on this charade about how open minded and non-political they are, but everyone knows that they are a Republican's wet dream.


Rated R movies are banned.