Liberty University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known how much extra money I would need to just survive as a college kid. I came here with very little money, and I find out that almost everything costs money is some way. So next time I hope to come in prepared, but that is just hard to get especially with todays economy.


I wish I had looked more at the price of the school so I could have planned out how I was going to pay for it and if I could pay for it through scholarships, by working or by loans.


I wish I had kown that it gets terribly cold in the winters being as though we are in the mountains. Had I known this i would haved packed more sweaters and a large hat to keep more warmer than my current staus while going to class a well as at night when I sleep on my twin bed!




I am online student only


I wish I had known how college worked in general. My mentality was that of highschool; I did not understand the flexibility of college.


I wish I had known about the CLEP test. It would have saved me money and time that was otherwise wasted.


I wish I would have known to save more money, because usually every college student has financial issues.


I wish i knew how to balance my social life and my acedemic life better


I wished that I had know that the professors were demanding the best from each student and that they require you to study for their class very day so that you can do well on the tests.