Lindenwood University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known that there is almost nobody that stays on campus during the weekends.


I wish I would have known more about the LCIE program which I am enrolled in right now. I still have some unanswered questions about the program. I am also unsure about the billing part of the school. I was told that when I meet with my advisor in the middle of my first semester I will get all my questions answered. I am still very happy that I have enrolled and I like Lindenwood University. Billing and the program itself would be what I wish I was more informed about.


Even though it is not required for all schools, taking the ACT can work as a pre-test and allow one to take "test out" of lower level gen ed classes; School loans can pile up unexpectedly, scholarships and grants are some of the most important things a student can apply for and hope to get; be realistic when choosing class times--if you're not a morning person, do not sign up for an 8am class; take advantage of gen ed courses--sometimes there may be a better major suited for you than the one you intended.


I Wish I knew that being far away from your home is a bigger challenge than you believe it is to be. I wish I had toured the city with my family a little bit more to familiarize myself with the town. As well as an idea of "how much stuff" to bring being from out of state.


Social Events


I wish I would have known how much better than high school it is. College has made me a happier person overall and I am so glad to be here.


Look for more scholorships, and participate in more activities than I did before. Study more and become more involved.


That transportation off campus was limited.


I wish i had been more aware of the difficulty of the acedemics at Lindenwood or rather the lack there of.


I wish I had known that the administration was disorganized and not very helpful.