If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self, I would tell myself to relax. I would tell her to practice more in orchestra because she is good enough. I would tell her to not get too involved with boys, and that waiting for the right one is okay. I would tell her to always follow her gut, no matter what. Though I wouldn't change the hardships and growth I have been through, I would tell her to remain strong when life gets hard. I would tell her to get scholarships and find a way to any university she wanted to follow any dream she had. I would especially tell her not to be afraid anymore and that she isn't crazy. I would remind her of our belief that everything happens for a reason. Everything will eventually fall into place if she continues to progress, despite the lack of support that she needs. I would apologize that I could not have spoken with her sooner, but that I will see her again very soon. Finally, I would tell her that it is a compliment to be called a nerd.
Always be open to new people and new ideas. Do not be afraid to step up and protect what you believe is right for both you and your friends. College will be filled with a lot of surprising situations that will make college seem unbareable and far too stressful, but always talk to your parents and friends through skype to help get you through the year. Put yourself out there and make new friends to form a strong group to hang out with and have dinner with.
If I could go back with the knowledge I know have, I would encourage all of the students in high school to really work hard and get the help they need. By working hard and receiving a high GPA, there are many more options available in schools and scholarships. Taking duel enrollment and AP classes are also very important. Duel-enrollment allow for students to virtually begin collage while in high school. The only difference is the school doesn’t charge students the prices of college students. By starting early on in high school and taking those classes this prepares the students for their future and will be able to take a variety of college courses when they move on to higher education (or students can possibly graduate early). Preparing while in high school for the many possibilities of ones future is the best advise I can give. It is so incredibly important to have a strong foundation from high school that will continue on through the many years of college. Having a strong academic work ethic is important and can lead to ones success.
Study and make flash cards! Just those two would've made a world of a difference. Good thing I know that now though. Also not to procrastinate even though that's easier said than done. It also helps a lot to have a desk calender and write on it when everything is due and when meetings are. It helps with organization and reduces stress during the year.
If I could go back and talk to myself in high school, I would tell myself to keep looking towards the future. I went through very rough times in my high school career, and was never very sure of what I would do with my life when I got into college. Now, I would go back and tell myself that no matter what happens, Longwood University would provide not only the best education, but the best friends that I could ask for. I would also tell myself that college is nothing like high school, and that things do get better, even when it seems like they won't. I would persuade myself to choose this university, because it truly has been a huge, and positive change in my life. I would not change my decision to go here for anything in the world.
The main thing that I would tell myself is that although I didn't need to know exactly what I want to be, I should at least have a good idea. Having a better understanding of what I want could have helped me along a little better. Along with that, I would also tell myself to perhaps push myself just a bit harder and maybe take 15 credits instead of just 12. The more important thing I would tell myself would be to not stress so much over the whole financial part of college, sure you might not know how you're going to afford your next semester, but thats what loans are for, right?! I would tell myself to savor all the moments spent at college because this is such a wonderful experience and although you should have goals, you shouldnt rush your time here, you have all the rest of your life to spend out in the real world.
I would tell myself take the nursing career pathway and take college classes.
If i were to go back in time and give myself advice on college, I would start by saying relax. College can be difficult at times and very stressful but through hardwork and dedication it can be conquered. Don't be afraid that your going to mess up or drop out just stay postive. When times look tough and impossible, just keep going, because impossible is nothing. You can do it!
If I could go back in time and talk to yourself as a high school senior i would tell myself to use every chance that comes to go out and make connections that will help you trough school. The connections that you make will help get rid of stess with friends to hang out with. Also other connections will help you with your grades with people that understand certain subjects. Some people will help you with getting started in the buisseness world.
To open up and be more outgoing, college is a place for renewal. Here nobody knows who you were or what you did, and everyone here has the same goal of succeeding in life. Take chances and get to know people in your class beyond the classroom, you may find that you have things in common with someone; that someone may end up being one of your best friends. Don't continue old habits, because you may never allow yourself to grow into someone great.