Lorain County Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lorain County Community College know before they start?


I would tell myself to study harder and do the best I can. I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships. Go to a community college and take all the classes you can before going to a larger university because it is cheaper. Also adjusting to dorm and college life is not as easy as you may think.


Dear 18 year old me, Know that the older you get, the kinder you will become, and the kinder your friends will become. You will naturally be pulled to people with the same goals and dreams that you have. What may make you weird now, will make you desirable later. Know that you are fearless now, and remember how that feels. Remember to hug your friends and family as much as possible. I can tell you now, that some family members and very dear friends, won't be around later. In fact, hug your very best, lifelong friend, as much as you can. He will be gone before you are 30. Trust your instinct. Be proud that you always stuck up for the under-dog. Know that the compassion you had, for the kid in the cafeteria, that had nobody to sit with, is part of your character. That character will bring you success in your future. Your combined kindness and drive for intelligence, will make you a person that people want to know. I am proud of the person that we have become. We are beautiful. We are an athlete. We are smart. We are you.


I have gotten a large amount of experience and knowledge out of my college edution thus far. The experiences and challenges that I have faced during my one semester at this college have helped my to understand the real world better, as well as learn how to be self-motivated and organized. The professors and personal at this college are always available for help and counseling. It has been extremely valuable for me to attend this colllege because I am furthering my education and preparing myself for the real world. I am also gaining the knowledge and experience required to attain a high-paying career.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself when I was a high school senior, I would take that oppertunity in a heart beat. I would tell myself not to rush through the college picking process. I went to Ohio University and hated it. So, knowing what I know now, I would have not choosen to go to Ohio University. I would have applied to a lot of different schools and really thought about where I wanted to go.


If I could go back in time now and talk myself through high school I would change a few things I did in high school. In high school I recieved excellent grades, but I was the type of student that did not have to study very much in order to obtain these grades. Now in college I have to study quite often and I find myself not knowing the proper way to study. Therefore I would tell myself to study more often in high school and learn the techniques before going to college. I would also suggest reading more frequently, text books, novels, magazines, any form of reading. I feel this would increase my vocabulary and make me a quick more fluent reader, therefore helping me obtain information quicker. Lastly I would tell myself to be outgoing and friendly with my classmates. College is about making new friend and meeting new people and doing this is very diffucult not having made the effort to go outside of my high school group and meet new people. These few subtle adjustments during my high school career could have made a huge difference in my college lifestyle.


I would tell myself to save my money!! Thats the only thing I'm having trouble with in college. I would also to tell myself to keep up the good grades, since I am doing well in college. I would also say to myself to get out and explore and don't be afraid to meet new people. And finally, I would tell myself to have fun and enjoy college!


I would tell myself to GO TO COLLEGE and get the college experience. DON'T throw away your hopes and dreams because it seems unreachable. There are ways to pay for college even though your life is hard. Your father is an alcoholic and neither parent did anything with their lives outside of high school. YOU can be the first in your family to achieve it! YOU can be the first generation college graduate! DO IT! Don't be afraid of the hard work. Don't be afraid of change. Your friends will all disappear within the next year and go their own ways. Don't stay here for them. Stop being afraid to be better than the life you've lived so far and just DO IT! YOU can get financial aid, scholarships and grants if you really truly want it. Chase your dreams and do not ever let anyone tell you that they're out of reach. They're not - not for you!


Since I am a senior, I will say that i should have studied harder in all my other years in high school so that i had a better chance at getting more scholarships.


With the experience so far, the only advice I would give myself would be to prepare a little sooner for school. Although I've known what I've wanted to do, I didn't know to prepare the best I could. With my brother in school and the financial situation the way it is, I would've been more aggressive in my savings and school choices. The school is fine, the people and instructors are fine, but I limited my choices because of my preparation.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, know what I know about college life I would say, enjoy it. Classes are worth taking and learning, not just getting credit so you can get out. The few on-campus classes that I have taken have changed my life. I have worked and completed the classes, but it wasn?t until I let myself enjoy the class, my fellow students, and the material that I really enjoyed school. Knowing that I have spent so many years there and not connected with people is crazy and almost shameful. Enjoy what you are learning because all too soon it will be over.