Loras College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Loras College know before they start?


Dear High School Self: When your teachers tell you something, like you're going to need this for college, LISTEN! Don't slack off...college setting is completely different. Better yourself now & prepare yourself for more. Always look to the future, never look back to the past. There is more important things in life then going out and partying, or getting in trouble. Work for something in your life that you love to do and stick to it. Don't let anybody tell you that you aren't good enough. And if they do, show them that your better then what they expected. Never give up! Love, Me.


Stacy, I know you are worried about your finances and affording college tuition on your own. Loans are available and so are other types of financial assistance. Don't work so much! Enjoy the whole college experience and limit work to weekends only. There are going to be so many activities and opportunities you are going to miss out on in college and experiences in the community if you keep up your current work schedule. Relax! Everything will work out fine; enjoy the finest years of your life. You have made plenty of connections for your future; it is time to live a little. You will be working for the rest of your life so enjoy yourself right now. Remember work is something that never goes away so right now, focus on school and do what you want to do!


If I were able to go back to my senior year of highschool, I would tell myself many things to make college life much better. The first advice would be to take as many college classes in high school as possible. I am finding out now that credits are a huge part of when students can register for classes and sign up for college housing. I am lower on the list because I did not start college with incoming credits. Another big thing I wish I would have told myself was to be yourself. I went to a very small school so friends were limited. I acted like myself but not to the full extend as I do know. I have truly learned who my friends are because I am capable to be me and I have found the people that accept me for that.


To begin with, the frist advice that I would give myself is to look at more colleges. Loras College is a great college it has good ratings and remarks about the school, but it is expensive. Another peice of advice that I would give to myself is to get involved in some organizations and activities that go on through the school. Getting involved through the school I will meet new people and better some of my skills like comunication and leadership skills. Additional advice I would tell myself is to work less and focus on the homework. If i would have known all this when I started my first semester I would have been fine, but i did not realize this till second semester. I would say that all this advice is good and would help any college student.


One of the most important things I would tell myself is to give it your all. Not just to give it your best try, but to start each day with the confidence to do your absolute best. Throughout the entire college experience things are not always going to go as you planned. You might not get as good of grades as in high school, or make the starting sports team, or get invited to every social event. That shouldn't keep you out of the game. It is important to stay at it each and every day. Stay true to who you are and those that are important are the ones who will be there in the end no matter how it turns out.


I wouldn't change a thing. Education is not a race, it is a life long process. After high school I set aside two years to serve my church as a missionary on the border of Argentina and Bolivia. There are experiences that universities cannot offer, and that you may not get a diploma for, but change your life. This experience set the tone for my life ambitions and goals. I grew immensly as I lived and worked with the people of Argentina. Their love and charity in spite of their poverty taught me a lesson I will never forget. I may not have left Argentina with a diploma, but I left fluent in spanish, and with an understanding and love of latino culture that has marked my life. I have worked to pay for my education, and have carefully avoided debt. While many of my high school friends are graduating college now and starting their careers, I am just finishing my associates, and will be starting a four year school this fall. To myself, the ambitious high school senior, I would say enjoy every step of the way. Follow your bliss.


I would tell myself that everything will be okay because I was very nervous to be in college and moving away from home. Now I am on my second semester in college and I am doing pretty good and working very hard to keep my grades up and also trying to have a social life. Another thing I would tell myself that the work is very busy it was seem a lot to do but if you keep working at it then you can be successful.


That even thing will be okay. I was very scared to leave home even though I knew that is what I wanted. Also to be positive to yourself and others around you Last thing is that your learning disability should not stop you on getting a high education. It just means that you have to work harder than other people. Just to keep in mind that you can do this.


For me, traveling back in time to speak to myself a high school senior would take me back some twenty years. I would first tell my younger self that education is by far the most important step to creating brighter future. I would tell myself how hard and empty life will be if I ignore my education and that the "easy" road, beacuse the "easy" road isn't so easy. Pursuing education is at times a difficult road. But, it's through those difficulties that will provide the skills necessary to a fulfilling futer and a fruitful carreer. So, younger self, hang in there and stick to it, because I know...it will all be worth it in time.


I would tell myself that as a high school student you don't exactly look at the big picture. You need to make sure you are making every effort in your abilities to make your future. The way the economy is today, you will need to make your future as bright as possible. Don't get swayed by the crowds, be your own person and stand up for what you believe in. If you don't stand up, who will? This is your life, take control! College is a new and exciting experience. You will have to make your own decisions and dicipline yourself to study and complete assignments, your professors won't cut you slack like you high school teachers. To succeed, you must trust in your own abilities. Life without your parents support will be life changing. Make every minute of high school count. College is one thing you must complete to have a brilliant future in your life.