Loras College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Loras College know before they start?


I am learning how to become a better person! Life is not fair but you have to do your best! their will be people trying to stop you.


So far in college I've really learned how to be an adult. I've grown up so much since I've moved here and I've met so many life-long friends. I've learned to manage my time better and figured out why people say these are the best 4 years of your life. I love being in college, I love being independent and I love the people around me. All of my teachers, friends and family are a great support system and I've grown into a man. Coming in, I didn't know a single person at my institution, it was taking a shot in the dark and I've truly been rewarded. Being the oldest child in my family, this is completely new to all of us. At first it was weird that i wasnt living at home any more but now I've grown to be a more independent person and really found myself. College has done wonders for me, greater things than I ever thought possible.


After completing my first semester of college I realize how much my school days have changed since high school and how valuable this experience has been so far. Independency is what every 18 year old wants, right? Freedom from living at home under mom and dad's watchful eye, no more curfews; I'm on my own now! With this newfound liberation comes many responsibilities. A few examples are: relying on my cell phone's alarm clock to wake me to make sure I get up for class on time, learning to sort and do my own laundry, and mastering the art of microwaving. Living in a dorm is a true test of my interpersonal skills. I have also developed excellent time management skills to juggle my very busy schedule. I believe that in everything you do, you only get out of it what you want to put into it. Here at Loras College I have gotten very involved in the campus life; extracurricular activities, student senate, campus ministry, work study, community service, and have made amazing friends! What an awesome experience! And lastly, it has given me a much deeper appreciation of my family. Thanks mom and dad!


If I could go back and tell myself anything I would tell myself to improve my study skills while in high-school. If I could go back to high-school I would have made sure to make a schedule for each day and designate time every night to study so that I could make sure to get into that habit. I feel as though college was a huge reality shock for me, the amount of homework was almost overwhelming. I would go back to my high-school days and prepare myself better for it, and make sure to take my homework seriously. By taking the time to improve my study skills in high-school I feel as though I would have been better prepared for exams through-out my first semester of college. I wish I would have taken the time to practice good study habits.


I would advise myself to be social and to get involved in many things on campus. A big part of success in college are the relationships that you build and the people that you know. This will help you get a job later on in the future. Also, work as hard as you can to earn the money that you need. College is more expensive than people realized especially when your parents arent paying for it. Also, apply for as many scholarships as possible because you never know what ones you just might receive! It is money that you don't have to pay back and it can be an extreme help to pay for college.


Number one thing to remember is that you will meet every type of person possible. Sometimes you won't know what to think about the people you are surrounded by, sometimes you won't want the moment to end, and sometimes it will be an experience you will remember your whole life time. Every person you encounter will change you somehow. Whether it be a bad room-mate, a wonderful professor, or an experience you have helping someone or being helped. The next four years of your life will change you, but don't forget where you came from. These friends you make in college will be life long, but just because you have new people in your life doesn't mean you should forget about the ones from home. Remember, it's only four years enjoy yourself because life gets a lot harder after this. Oh ya, that weird person you meet at orientation, could become your best friend!


STUDY STUDY STUDY!!! It is not the same as high school you can not easily slide by. Get involved and make friends, join groups and attend dorm functions.


My advice to myself as a high school senior would be to participate in more college visits and take more into consideration the expense of perspective colleges. I chose Loras College because I really enjoyed the atmosphere and I loved the concept of small class sizes. Unfortunately, I did not pay enough attention to the price. I now find that I have to give up a lot of things so that I can work long hours to pay for tuition. Each dollar that I spend I feel guilty about and I force myself to work extra hours to make up for it. My concern with money is an everyday battle that is stressful and often gets in the way of my studies. Looking back I wish I would have analyzed my finances better and perhaps looked into less expensive state colleges. Therefore, the advice I would give to myself, given that I could do it all over again, and the advice I would give to anyone, is to thoroughly make sure you have considered all elements of perspective colleges. Make a pros and cons list and don't ignore something as big as expenses!


Dear Hailey, Stop being so afraid! You will make the right choice on where to go to school because in your heart you knew it all along. You will meet better friends in college that will love you for who you are. You need to spend more time with your family now because when you're away they will miss you more than anyone and they are the people that will always be there for you. Your sisters will annoy you now but when you come home and want to spend time with them just like they wanted to spend time with you will annoy them just as much. You are a strong girl and won't make any dumb decisions in college. You will stick to your morals and remain true to yourself so stop worrying. You won't change for the worse but actually for the better. Good Luck and stop worrying. Love you, Hailey


I would say to try harder in my science classes. I always had good grades, but I never actually learned the material for the long run and a lot of it has come up again in college. That would have made life a lot easier my first semester.