Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Top Questions

Describe the students at Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College.


It is a state school and everyone has their reasons for going but there are people of every religion, race and character.


Diverse in life style.


They all look the same. There are very few minorities.


Again, there is a place for everyone. Your place might not be the majority, but there are people like you waiting to be found. The majority are from in state, but students like myself who are out of state should have no trouble adjusting if they are open minded and outgoing. Get involved early and it will pay off in the long run! Financial backgrounds have a broad spectrum...dirt poor/paying on loans to filthy rich/driving landrovers


I really do not pay any attention to this since I've always considered that the school should be free of any racial/religious/political/financial discussion. School should be about school and this is all I care about. The rest... is nonsense and when people care more about the collaterals... there is a problem! When it comes to the international students, most of them tend to keep together and get attached to cultural organizations.


LSU is extremely diverse. No student would feel out of place. Students seem to wear the most comfortable yet appropriate attire possible. Yes some different types of students interact usually by means of clubs and other organizations. There would be two tables of Americans consisting of black, white, asian, and hispanic students. The other two tables would be a mix of foreign Indian students and foriegn asian students. Many of these foreign students are graduate students. Most students from LSU are probabaly from Louisiana. Middle class to Upper class would be the most prevalent. Students are very politically active and aware of the current issues. There is probably a good mix of all three. However it is often percieved that LSU students leave with views tending to the right. Yes, we often build air castles with future earnings. It gives us something to look forward to.


NOONE can feel out of place at LSU. There is such a variety of people. Most students wear t-shirts and jeans and tennis shoes to class. I don't really know much about my friends financial situations because it's not really important and it doesn't really effect my relationships.


No student would feel out of place at LSU. LSU is extremely diverse and there are groups for just about any type of religion/rage/etc. on campus! Most students wear t-shirts and jeans, or sweat pant type pants. Different types of students do interact, most LSU students are from Louisiana, Texas, Florida, and the other Southeastern states. Most student's financial background are middle to upper-middle class.


There are many races on campus and students from all parts of the world. Our multicultural and international student centers are well publicized and have events going on constantly. The gay and lesbian community is also very welcome here. There are organizations for LGBT people, but even for those who don't feel like being that radical, there are plenty of gay people around campus who are fitting in just like anyone else as well as a couple of well-known gay bars. We have recently had several gay student government leaders and homecoming court members and royalty. The Indie/Bohemian/punk crowds are also very accepted and there are several bars that cater to them as well as the on campus radio station 91.1 KLSU which plays mostly alternative and independent music. The greek community is also big. Fraternity and Sorority Rows have large, beautiful houses. Greeks are very clickish, just like at every university, but if that's your thing you will definitely find a frat or sorority you like at LSU. People at LSU are very politically aware and active. There are student democrat and republican organizations and the Manship School of Mass Communication offers a unique Political Communication bachelor's degree that a lot of aspiring politicians and future law students major in. They are constantly hosting speakers in the political arena to speak to students. Though there is a mixture of left and right winged students, I would say that in general our campus is a little more liberal than conservative.


The outsider religious nuts who frequent Free Speech Alley can be annoying sometimes, but they are mostly just silly. It gets old seeing them all of the time, especially on Tuesdays. I am a lesbian, and I find that most students are at least respectful of that. Most students are used to it because most of them have gay friends and/or relatives...However, I had a negative experience at a LSU football game. A friend and I were sitting in the heart of the student section. Some guys got in my way, so I asked them to move. As a result, I was harassed over my somewhat androgynous looks until the boys left the stadium at halftime. They were very drunk and rude to people. It seems that you do not have to be gay to experience that sort of thing. Straight friends of mine have had the exact same problem and chose not to sit in the student section anymore...Also, anti-gay slurs are often used as insults toward the opposing team. LSU students can be very immature at sports events. I find that the Jewish members of Hillel are very friendly. They are currently hosting a "Queerly Jewish" film series with GBLSU. The Women's Center has some active members who are a lot of fun. They usually have events on a weekly basis. I see all kinds of people forming friendships around campus. There is a lot of racial diversity. LSU students are beginning to develop their political beliefs. I find many younger students to be naive but enthusiastic. A lot of students are conservative because their parents are. That does not mean they will remain that way by the time they graduate. LSU also has a healthy number of liberal and moderate students. It is hard to say what group has the highest number of the three. Rarely do I ever hear of students mentioning what they plan to make "one day." Not many people are specific about that.