Louisiana Tech University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Louisiana Tech University know before they start?


You do not need to be worried about the size of environment involved in the university you've chosen, because where you're going you are going to be surrounded by other people who, for most part, want exactly what you want: to succeed. Before you go to college, make sure you understand what you have not learned in high school, so that you'll be prepared for the type of work you will encounter in college. You've heard from plenty of sources that college is an entirely different type of schooling, and it is, but you don't need to be affraid, you need to be confident. There will be plenty of opportunities to enjoy yourself without any negative consequences towards your academic standing. The important thing is that you maintaint a ballance, and understant that there will be times when you will have to make sacrifices to ensure that your assignments are completed before you can play video games or hang out with your crush. The work will be hard, but as long as you're dedicated, clever, and take care of business as soon as you can, then you will have nothing to fear.


I have learned a lot since graduating high school. If I was able to go back and give myself advice I would simply tell myself to "pursue your dreams". I became a mother my sophmore year of college. I was a Biology-Pre Medicine major during the time. After having my son, I feared that I would not be able to care for him and continue on my dream path to becoming a doctor, so I changed my major to Clinical Laboratory Science because it was a great field to enter, and one day I could even go to medical school. Well here I am all these years later, and I never returned to medical school and the love I have for helping others still burns deep within. I am in a career where I still have the oppotunity to help people, however, I feel as if I have so much more to offer. Had I not given in to my doubts and fears, I probably would have been a physician by now. I have no regrets, because I feel everything happens for a greater purpose. I just wish I would have had someone to tell me anything is possible.


I would have started sooner researc;hing what college I wanted to attend. I would have done more college visits. I would have made more time to apply for more scholarships. I wanted to work a part-time job during school, I worked about 40 hour a week for 2 years. Looking back I would have cut down on working so many hours. My parents kept telling me " your job is going to school and passing with good grades". I should have listen to them.


If I could go back to my high school self and know what I know now, I would tell myself to stop worrying about other people and focus on myself, participate more, and cherish every moment. I had average grades during high school, which could have easily been made exceptional grades had I focused more on myself rather than the latest gossip of the week. I am disappointed that I did not participate in more after school activities and sports and spend my time preparing for college. If I could go back in time, I would do the things I just mentioned and make the best of my time. People always used to tell me that high school was the best time of their lives and to live in the moment while focusing on myself, my activities, and my happiness. I should of listened to those people, because now I look back and think about all of the things I missed out on because I was focused more on the drama of boys or friends. In college, I plan to make up for the time I wasted and put myself and my happiness first.


First of all, if I could go back in time. That would mean that time travel was invented, and that would be totally amazing! If I were to go back to talk to my old self, first thing I would probably say is to shave that stupid beard and you can get way more girlfriends. Second thing is that I have the right school picked out but I really need to pay more attention in calculus class and the the advanced placement test. Then I would also tell myself not to procrastinate so much with applying for scholarships and to also save all your money from working throughout high school. The last thing is to enjoy your senior year of high school and to enjoy your freshman year of college, they are some great times.


I would tell my younger self to go out and experience the world more, especially during college. The experiences and friendships you gain in college are incomparable to all of the other experiences in your life. By missing those precious opportunities, you can never know who you might've met, what you might've learned, and how your life might've changed had you only done more, seen more, and been more open to the idea of being sociable. The world is full of possibilities and opportunities waiting to be fulfilled, and all you have to do is try. That is my advice to you, my younger, insecure, introverted, and quiet self; get outside of your comfort zone and see the magic that the world has to offer in all of its many opportunities.


Today, I would tell my younger self not to conform to someone else’s idea of what or who you should be. Growing up in a small town, in a small community, at a small school I only glimpsed a small piece of the world. Suddenly, I found myself in a large community at a large university, where there were thousands upon thousands of young, anxious, mostly terrified and undeniably confused freshmen. We were all trying to fit in, but if everybody is trying to be someone they are not, no one can see them for who they really are. You have beliefs and morals and people who love you exactly as you are right now. Resilient people know how to be themselves and carry themselves with an air of self-confidence while respecting those around them and what they have to offer the world. Make sure to learn from every single person you come into contact with. Set aside your pride, and your differences. Absorb, move on, and teach what lessons you have to others. .


I would tell myself that freshman year is not a cake walk. Make sure that you set your alarm everyday and for the life of you, DO NOT USE A TOWEL FROM THE SCHOOL GYM!


Don't be afraid to try new things. Get to know all kinds of people in college, and find your nitch.


College is whatever you make it to be, so choose to make it worthwhile. Get out of your comfort zone and talk to new people, join clubs, and run for a position. College is ten times better than high school. If you like to paint, there's a group of people for that. If you like to sing, you can join the choir. If all you do is watch Netflix and eat popcorn, I promise you can find people doing the exact same thing, maybe even right next door. Freshman year is all about discovering the type of person and the type of experience that you want to get out of college. So make the most of your time at college without letting fear of rejection or not being accepted block your path. You can find people with the same goals in life, who are just as motivated, and may be just as quirky as you. It will take time to find where you fit in so be patient, but go into everything with an open mind. Show Louisiana Tech University just who is Elizabeth Dixon and you will find they will glady take you in.


I would tell my self to learn to study. A good study strategy goes a long way in helping your grades in college. You learn quickly that you have to study notes and read in order to be successful even if you may not have had to in high school. If you establish a good study habit in high school you are not shocked when you have to adapt, and develope a technique. Any practice and habits formed that helped in high school will be extremly effective in college. I wish I had established a good strategy before college so I did not have to figure out studying while I was in classes and having tests.


If I were to go back in time to give advice to my highschool self about the transition into college, I would tell myself to be more prepared. I wasn't really prepared so it made the transition hard for me. I would want myself to have an easier transition. I would have to say, the harder transition was probably better for me to go through. I feel that it may have made me a stronger person, learning that I am an adult, and my parents won't give everything to me my whole life. It was time to see that big changes were to come my way in my future. All I would have to tell myself is to just be more prepared. My whole life changed at one time, when i made the transition into college.


I would tell myself to learn about calculus and programming becasue Tech expects freshman to know alot.


I would tell myself to buckle down beginning freshman year. I had a rough freshman year transitioning from high school to a university. I didn't focus on school like I needed to so I wound up going back to a community college my sophmore year before eventually getting into the University of Florida. It was tough I would warn myself that way I could better prepare. I wasted precious time and money not doing very well and I would just tell myself to put all my time and energy into school and work as hard as possible because it definitely will pay off in the long run.


Hey, Kiera. I know this is wierd but I'm the college 'you' and i've got some advice for you, even though you might not want to listen. Try to work a little harder in your classes, join one of the clubs, get into something more useful or do some volunteering. Any of these things can bring you a scholarship or grants to pay for college and make it a little easier on Mom. I know you're thinking 'this is crazy' but, you need to start thinking about college and how you will be able to afford it. Right now I, well you are having a very hard time paying for your courses and are a little clueless to your payment options. You may have to dropout because of this, so go do your research and look up as many options as you can. We want the best for us, don't we? Good Luck


I would tell myself that it doesn't matter what people think of you, it only matter how you think of yourself. Also you need to cut your parents some slack, they didn't grow up in your generation and they are doing the best they can.Something else sto stress is DON'T STRESS, don't worry about craming your head when you've already studies. Trust that you know it and you'll be fine. And most importantly where college is concerned do your research!!! Find out about when to do your fasfa, about how much books and supplies will cost, and all the other little things they never tell you about.


i would tell myself to not put college off, earning money is great but going to school at the same time is even better. Almost every entry-level position requires some school background; it always looks better. Ignore distractions and focus on bettering your future, when it comes down to it, you are the person responsible for paying your own bills. I would also say that college is nothing like high school, your success depends on your drive and dedication. Teacher's on not going to hold your hand and spoon feed you. Learn to be independent and work hard; it will all pay off in the end. Last but not least, make goals and stick with them even when it gets hard.


If I could go back in time and talk to the high school me, I would let myself know college is a necessity in life. I would tell myself to focus on the important aspects of my life, and to stop worrying about being with a particular person. I would also let myself know that college won't be an easy task, but it is possible if I put my mind to the challege. The most important thing I would tell myself would be that choosing a major I will stick with is the key to getting through college. If I choose a major I don't have a passion about, I will fail, as well as waste a lot of time. I will assure myself that college isn't all classes, books, and exams, but also a lot of fun. College is what you make of it. Lastly, I would tell myself to stay in school until I reach my goals.


If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, i would tell me seld to work as hard as i could. I would tell myself not to take any short cuts and to practice taking good notes. I would tell myself to worry more about my school more then about my senior year coming to an end. I worked hard as a senior but i know there were times when i just wanted to be out of highs school and into college. I always worked hard and got my work done, but i know i could have done a lot better.


I would say to myself is first off. go away to college becasue its a very good experince. You well know and meet different people see how others are living. make sure you know all you can know. study hard and stay focus.