Louisiana Tech University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


Louisiana Tech is a school dedicated to helping its students achieve success. There was a genuine atmosphere of people who cared about your progress at the university. I was a single mother during my undergrad, and when it was time for me to pursue an internship, I worried about working and caring for my child. My professors searched relentlessly to find me a scholarship that would enable me to apply to an internship without having to worry about financial burden . I owe my life and career to them!! I am truly greatful that this university was placed in my path.


The size, it is small enough to not feel overwhelmed, and know a lot of people, but not so small that it is no fun.


Great teachers and overall atmosphere. While the professors in the art department are not famous, they are incredibly knowledgable and most of them are happy to admit their short-comings so that you can learn from them more effectively. Overall, I'm very surprised by the quality of education I am getting here. I expected it to be good, but not this good.


It was full of surprises. As a medical student, I see it as 4 years to practice adaptation only partially utilized.


The campus feel and school spirit are encourageing and make you strive to be a better student. The teachers are willing to help and make sure you do your best academicaly.


The best thing about this school is Tolliver. Or rather, the meeting of people in Tolliver. If you just hang out there, then you can take an opportunity to talk to someone and get to know them. Scary thing to do, but it really is a wonderful thing to do.


The best thing about Tech would be the teachers, I have never seen such a group of leaders work together and truely care for their students like this.


I like the school spirit and the teachers. School spirit is very conatgious here. The teachers are really great, smart, and helpful!


The size. Its not to big that you can't get where you need to, the classes aren't overly large. But at the same time its not too small either.


I like the fact that my school is small and has few enough students in each class to make it easy to get extra help from the professors.