I would advice parents/ students to do a lot of researchs and think about their financial stituations. Most students who just enter college are usually undecided or most likely to change their major, so I suggest choosing a school that would give you a variety of majors and minors. Students should take as much time they need when deciding their major and never think it is too late to do anything. College is another stage in your life, it is the beginning, so don't think of it as an end. Learn as much as you can and experience as much as you can in colllege but don't forget about your future.
Make several choices and visit each school. Visit during a tour and off hours to get both sides of the story.
Visit! It is not only important that the school look good on paper, but that it looks good in person. You have to feel the school, meet the people, and explore the community. Nothing is worse than feeling left out because you did not realize the area or the school would not fit your needs other than "seeming" okay. Do your research, and then live it.
know what you're getting into.
Advice that I would give parents is to really take a look at who your child is as a person. What do they like to do? What are they good at? What don't they like, and what may they struggle with? what school would most enhance their personal growth as a person and push them to expand their minds and outlooks in ways that will not only help themselves in the future but benefit those around them. Forcing or even hinting to your child to go to a school that you want does not benefit them as a person. Talk to them, see what they want and then discuss the things you both want. Money is always an issue, but education is an even bigger issue that holds much more importance then money ever could. To the students, I ask the same questions as I did the parents. Who are you as a person? In looking at schools don't choose them becuase they seem easy and you know you can do well. Apply to schools in hopes that they will push you beyond what you think you can do. Apply to schools that will change your life.
Visit a bunch of different schools. Find out what enviroment you want to be in, rural or in a city. Figure out qualities you want in a school, then pick one with those qualities.
Any prospective student should begin with a list of things that they absolutely need to have in their college experience. They must have their goals and aspirations in mind to find the universities that are going to offer him/her those opportunities. Prospective athletes should consider the level of play they would like to compete in as well as their own athletic ability. They can enter onto a team that is strong and they'd have to fight their way to play on or play on a team not as strong and be a key contributor. It helps to speak with current college students that are willing to give their honest opinion of their school and give them insight that way. Bottom line, we all go to college in hopes of preparing ourselves for the future. Parents and students must pick the school they feel will give them that foundation and have no regrets with their decision.
Finding the right college for a student is an arduous task. I myself made my decision based on scholarship offers, but ended up transferring schools after my sophomore year regardless of the money. The advice I would have to offer is to make a genuine attempt at visiting the campus and really getting to know the atmosphere the school projects, not just the atmosphere the school represents. Many schools, though flaunted otherwise, are interested in the student?s money. Thus it is important to weed these schools out. There are schools with an adequate administration, and these are great to find, they care for the students needs, not just getting them in and out the door in four years. The college experience helps define you as an adult, your habits and lifestyle. It is important to find a school that is not surrounded by alcoholism, drugs, and partying. Rather one with a friendly environment that promotes both studying and integration. With integration comes experience, and with this type of experience comes growth. Ultimately, the college experience in a whole is about growth and leadership. The type that will make you succeed in the working world you will soon enter.
Make the best out of what you're given. Everyone has their dream school, but few realize it is foolish to hang all their hopes on a mere possibility. In this pursuit, they may miss out on what a truly great college they landed at. They may be worried about the reputation of the school, and what kind of future possibilities they'll have, but employers look at the person too- and that is something no rankings can measure. College is more than grades and frats. You may still have a safety net, but for the most part you are thrown out into the world. Yes, grades are important, but you learn so much more outside of the classroom. Make the most of your experience any way you can, and don't be afraid to go against the grain and make some memories.
I think it is extremely important that you (the student) do your research. Send off for all the information and review any reference materials you can find at the library. Initially, I was set on one particular university. But, after my mom made me do the research, I saw the benefit of comparing. I was most struck by how location played a major factor into the school I would eventually select. My mom told me to look at regions where I may want to leave upon graduation. That played a major factor in my end selection, which was not my first choice university.
The second thing is to try and travel to your choices. I was fortuante enought to see first hand all of my top four choices. It is especially beneficial if you can go during an "open house" event. That way you can hear presentations, and truly roam the campus and dorms. When I stepped on the grounds of Loyola, I knew it was the school for me (and we hadn't even stepped into a building yet!).