My advice would be to start looking as early as possible. Deciding what to study is not the main focus, rather focusing on the environment is more important. Most universities will offer degrees in whatever interest you develop, and you are very likely to develop new interests after taking basic classes, so by focusing on environment you do not limit yourself. In terms of making the most of the college experience I would say one of the most important things to do is to try and meet and become friends with as many different people as you can. Learning about a person, especially someone different from yourself is one of the best ways to expand and improve yourself, and it is alot of fun. I've never regretted introducing myself to anyone, but I have often regretted not doing so.
Even though finding the right school seems like a stressful task, do the research! Visit multiple times; find out what current students have to say about the schools you're interested in; ask yourself, "Is this the right place for me?" Don't settle! Tuition is expensive--get your money's worth! Don't stress about your major going into college, but have some sort of idea of what interests you. College is all about finding an equal balance between work and leisure. Make the best of your situation, and have fun!
First of all, I would suggest having an idea of what you want to do. Secondly, see how much financial aid is offered to each student on average. Thirdly, research the staff and find out what students have to say about the school. Lastly, check what's around the campus. Sometimes when you're homesick or just plain tired of studying, a good night out is all you need, but it also helps if it is near campus.
be sure to visit the school first.
Visiting a college should be a comfortable experience. That doesn't mean you have to love every single detail, but you have to foresee yourself living and learning at that certain school. Decide one, two, or three things that are the most important to you in deciding college and focus on finding those. Once you are at college, join clubs and do things you wouldn't normally do, like an AIDS walk, where you can meet as many people as possible who vary in ideas, goals, and perspectives than you. Focus on your school work but remember to take breaks and have the best time possible. College can be the best or the worst experience of your life, it is totally influenced by what you decide to give your time to. Just make sure that you remember wherever you go, if you make the best of it, you can't go wrong.
I would tell parents and students not to choose a school based on location or what promises the admissions department uses to get you to attend their school. I would talk to students who attend the school, but are not involved in the student ambassador program. I would tell them to get a "real look" at the college by talking to just the average student to learn of their experience. I would also tell the person to research their possible majors and make sure the school has exactally what the student may be interested in.
Make sure to visit the schools at least once, more than once if you can (depending on location), because after you see multiple school going back to the "favorites" really helps in making a decision... Make sure that, once you are at school, you go out and meet people. Be outgoing! Have fun (but be safe)! Also, DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN TO BE ON GOOD TERMS WITH YOUR ROOMMATE/S! Good Luck!
It is imperative to do a college visit - don't just pick your school based on the brochure. And, when you visit the school don't just take the guided tour. Ask other students you come across on campus what they like/don't like about the college because the students who are giving the tours have pre-made answers for about all of your questions and it's their job to sell the school to you. If you ask just some random student there you might get different answers that will tell you more about the college you are considering.
In order to follow a career in college, make sure your student makes college visits and checks colleges online by making the best choice. To select the right college, you must know what you are looking for in a college so make sure you take a compatability test to indicated the best colleges for you.
Apply to as many colleges as you want. Before applying, so to websites and request information. A lot of colleges send out free or online applications for free, so take advantage of those. Go look at the colleges you're interested, you'll know the right college when you see it and spend time there. Don't be afraid to take your time and always have a backup plan.