Loyola University New Orleans Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Loyola University New Orleans?


The most frustrating thing about my school is the price it cost to attend.


At Loyola University New Orleans, there are many things in which to be thankful. Unfortunately Residential Life is not one of them. There are only four dormitory buildings, so on campus housing opportunities are already limited. Luckily one thing that makes the housing difficulties easier to deal with is the fact that Loyola and Tulane share a close proximity. This makes it easier and cheaper to find off campus housing. While the housing market may be a little competitive, you can always find someone looking for a roommate.


The campus is currently under construction which makes it hard to get around. The noise also makes it hard to concentrate at times. There are also a great deal of smokers on campus and they don't always relegate themselves to the smoking areas.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the distance from my home. I am very family oriented and being over 2000 miles away has been one of the biggest obstacles I have faced. I love my school and the experience that comes with, but it is very difficult being away from the people that I love. Missing the birth of my nephew, family dinners, and the physical comfort my family gives me had been overwhelming. Despite the hardship of being far, I do know that it will all be worth it when I have a diploma and successful career.


The recreational facilities (gym) is very small and some of the buildings are very oddly constructed.


Nothing really frustrated me about my school


The most frustrating thing about my school first is my Academic Counselor, she seems to be less encouraging to me to do better or she never motivate me, even when I was a freshman. My Calculus 2 professor teaches information that we are most of the time clueless about. He doesn't deliver in a manner whereas, he wants us to really understand what he is presenting. I am trying really hard to attend study groups to get a better understanding of the skills. Lastly, another frustrating thing is the way personnel in the dept. of vehicle speak to you.


Labs that are between three to four hours long are only worth one credit hour.


Not a very wide variety of classes


There is not a HUGE community based aroung the universities in New Orleans. To eat fast food, go shopping, see a movie, or go out, it usually involves a car trip or a somewhat lenghty walk.