Definately visit and see if it's right for you. When I visited LSC, I felt right there. Try your hardest and make the most of your education.
When I first started attending college, one of the biggest words of advice would have been for me, "Realize how important your college education is and take it seriously."
I should've bought a troll to kick me out of bed to get to class every morning. However, now that I live completely on my own, without the aid of my parents, I realize the importance of growing up and how my college experience has helped me to develop into the person I am today.
So, in order to choose the right college for your child or yourself, look for somewhere that you feel you belong. Find a place you feel comfortable. Enjoy your surroundings, and find ways to gain motivation. Everything will fit when you've found the place for you!
I would say this: Try to be absolutely sure in your choice of which college you attend. If you have an idea that the college you choose may be wrong, act on it. Don't get too far into your studies, meaning don't reach the 'point of no return' and not be able to do anything about it. Getting stuck at the wrong college is hard enough; Not being able to transfer or leave because you've invested too much time and money is even worse. Try to know for sure what college you want to attend before you actually get there...but when you are there, be 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} sure it is the place you want to go to.
My suggestions to parents and students who are trying to decide on the right college would be to visit each campus multiple times during differernt seasons. It makes it easier to tell if you are going to be comfortable and happy for the entire year. I would suggest talking to students besides those giving the tours to see how they feel about life on campus and the classes. Make the most of your visits by sitting in on a class asking about staying in the dorms for a night if possible, eating the dining hall food, visiting the library and fitness centers. Talking to teachers and staff members is very helpful as well. College is expensive and your money should be spent in the best possible way.
Make sure you think the school is a good fit for you.
Get as many brochures as you possibly can, go on campus tours, ask the tour guides questions away from official settings to get real answers.