Macalester College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Macalester College accurate?


Somewhat. Mac is a very progressive place, but most students are very issue based and don't necessarily subscribe to one political viewpoint. Because people have different opinions on different issues there is a good deal of political diversity on campus. The main things we all have in common is that we are all passionate about something (music, politics, the environment, civic service, ect) and really like to discuss our opinions.


Sometimes. People at mac tend to be socially liberal but their political views fall throughout the spectrum. Some students are radical activists, but not all. Everyone who has been accepted to attend Macalester is very intelligent. Many are a bit shy and introverted, which makes for some awkward moments, but once people become comfortable and open up, you'll make friends that will last a lifetime.


The school does have a large international student body but there is often a division between the domestic and international students. Some may be regarded as hippies, but most get over themselves after their first two years and figure out how to be themselves.


There are a huge variety of people at Macalester, so for every stereotype of a Macalester student there is surely at least one on campus. However, overall what I like about Macalester students is that each has his or her own passion- whether that be environmental justice, DDR, or painting- and loves to explore and pursue that passion.


Not entirely. The school is no doubt extremely liberal but we for sure have a mix of hetero and homo sexual students. And there are hippies and yuppies alike roming the campus.


sometimes, there are a select few who practice what they preach but are often overly aggressive and sanctimonious about it




As with many extremes, they generally eliminate the more accurate, moderate view. I've witnessed drug use but no where near what I had been told to expect and definitely no worse than my high school. I've also met a lot of hard-studyers and book-worms. Most of these people both work hard and play hard though. Mac kids are good at finding a balance between what is necessary for thorough and scholarly school-work, and what is necessary to keep one sane through all the studying. Oh, yeah, the quirky thing is totally true, by the way.


somewhat, but not always to the extreme. People here tend to be artsy, eco-friendly, eccentric, there is a large homosexual population, but I don't know if it's that much more than other places or not. So, I feel like the majority of people are good students, but also know how to relax and have fun even when there is a lot going on.


There are more vegetarians here than in the outside world, which I think is great. I see people eating meat once in a while, and it doesn't seem too hard on them. We are also more politically correct than average, which I think comes with learning about the world, and it's not blind. Some people are strange and awkward, but not more than anywhere else. There is a lot of upper class representation. Probably less than other liberal arts colleges though, and there are a lot of undercover financial aid kids like myself.