Macalester College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Macalester College accurate?


No, and I'll explain why...


Not at all, most people I know have shaved legs, so much so, that I feel incredibly awkward walking around without shaved legs. The other part might be true to some extent.


No. In general Macalester students are pretentious and closed-minded. They are unwilling to accept new viewpoints and are intolerant of any opinions that are outside of what is considered "socially acceptable." Most of Mac is liberal pseudointellectuals who dominate the campus, making this a very unsafe environment for anyone that is different.


The problem is, Macalester today is nothing like it was in the '60's. Today, Mac is increasingly conservative, complacent, and filled with alot of hot air and very little action.


To some extent. Mac students tend to care less about appearance and general stereotypical college-kid behavior. People are more chilled out. There is some drug use, especially Pot, but nothing out of the ordinary, definitely not a dangerous environment to be in. Whether you want to get into it or not is your individual call, no one will be chasing you down the corridor with a bong. As far as weirdos go, yeah I'd say Mac students are unique. People have their own passions, ideas and opinions and will not be afraid to express them. If anything, i'd say that's the great thing about Mac - people have their own personalities.


I think these are accurate for a large portion of Macalester students but there are certainly those that break the trends; lots of people play sports, and not everyone's politically correct.


We certainly have "hippie"-esque students on campus. But we are a pretty diverse bunch, any single stereotype could never possibly describe us all.




there are people who fit these descriptions and many more at macalester


There are a lot of hipsters, but there are also a lot of regular people, and I think that there are 6, out of the GOP closet, republicans on campus. And I would definitely say that that is an accurate picture of Macalester's academic environment