Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Mansfield University of Pennsylvania? Why?


There is not much to do on the weekends. Many students leave the campus and go home mainly because of the location of Mansfield and its convenience in location.


It is far away from most things you would consider necessary for college students. There is a Wal-Mart here but that is about it. If you need anything else you will have to travel a good distance or just wait until you go home next time. Make sure you come to school with everything you need or else you may have to wait for a while to get it.


The worst thing about Mansfield is the lack of scholarship money that is available to students.


Besides being rural, Mansfield University is subject to financial woes that face the state, which in turn means less funding. As a student and faculty body, there are certain luxuries that we live without, but in the end we're proud for what we have and can achieve.


There is nothing stimulating ever going on. When I finish with my school work and am done studying, there is never anything to do. The school is placed in the middle of nowhere.


The worst thing about my school is that most of the students go away for weekends and do not seem too interested in the offered special events. People like me who cannot go home are stuck here with virtually nothing to do because most of the buildings get locked whenever the school seems deserted. This is not always a bad thing, however, because it is nice to get the school to oneself from time to time. The bathrooms stay cleaner that way and walking around naked in one's own room is rather liberating after the roommate goes home.


The worst thing about my school is that it is so small and unknown. A lot of the students coming here live nearby and end up going home over the weekends. Personally, I live too far away to go home, so I stay on campus. I have to say that even though there is not much to do on non-school days, it is terribly peaceful. Without all the hustle and bustle of bigger campus, you feel more like you "own" this school; it feels more like home, albeit sometimes lonely.


I think the worst part of my univeristy is the fact that they plan to cut my program in the next year. I came to Mansfield for my French Education program and I am heart - broken that my department is being unfairly cut from Mansifeld.


Mansfield University, while it is a wonderful place for education, is not set in an area where there is mcuh to do. The closest shopping mall is 45 minutes to an hour away and the movies are 15 minutes away. Because of its placement, activities on campus are all there are to have fun. However, I do believe that the University community has provided many opportunities for out of class activities to participate in.


The worst thing about my school is that there is nothing available for the students to do most weekends. This is because Mansfield University is placed in a small borough and everything is closed at the lastest 11 pm. Only thing that is open is the bar after that.