Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Mansfield University of Pennsylvania? Why?


For me personally is becuase since i grew up close to here i just feel like have havne't got out in the world enough and that i just kinda settled here and Mansfield doesn't offer to me what i want in terms of experiencing other things.


The worse thing about Mansfield is it is built on a hill which means no matter where ur walking to ur always walking up and down hills.


Everything closes early.


The lack of Weekend activites, because the campus turns into a ghost town come Friday night. Entertainment is limited.


How everyone here is very set in a specific role and is very unwilling to step outside of that and view things from other people's perspectives. And the only thing to do here on the weekends is drink.


The worst thing about MU is that financial aid isn't very helpful in finding you the money you need to attend college which will turn a lot of people away because the average student can't afford college without any financial aid. They don't respond to e-mails and never know exactly what you are talking about so it takes a little longer to figure out how much everything is going to cost.