Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Mansfield University of Pennsylvania?


A closed minded individual or anyone that wishes to attend a large univeristy. Mansfield is in a small town and is very close knit, therefore an individual who does not like that type of enviroment would probably not adapt well at Mansfield.


If you are very dependent on other people to do things for you and you can't, or won't do things for yourself, then you shouldn't attend this school. If you aren't serious about your education and your future, there's no point in you attending this school.


The kind of person that should not attend this school is someone who is not motivated. In order to go to Mansfield University one must be a motivated individual. One must be able to plan according to classes and make time to study. A person who does not want to go to class and learn; mansfield askes alot out of thier students. Also, the kind of person who likes an urban atmosphere should not attend this school as well. Mansfield is a very rural area, and it is not meant for a busy person who likes the city life.


The kind of person who should not attend this school is someone who doesn't really care about college and just wants to party. Since it is a small school, students who are not serious about school work can drag down students who really want to succeed. Also, students who like a huge variety of night life activities or who like the city life will not want to come to this very rural college.


The big city loving person or the heavy partier because it is not a party school at all.


The type of people that shouldn't come to mansfields are the ones that only what to party. The kids who can't wake their self up in the morning, only want to fool around. also if you want a big campus where there lot of people, and no one knows your name Mansfield is not the school for you. if you like to be surrounded my mall and have easy access to store in walkind distence this is also not the place for you espeacial if you do not have a car. Mansfield Unvirsity but it not for everyone.


People who I think should not attend Mansfield University are people that always have to be doing something and have something to do around them all the time. I don't think people from the city would adapt very well to living at Mansfield because you have to drive far to find something to do, and there isn't a whole lot to do on campus. People who hate walking and getting exercise should also not attend Mansfield because you have to walk up hills to all classes.


Any student that thinks that he/she can pass a course without attending class. It may work for lower level classes, but as for upper level coures, attendance is key to passing a class. A majority of instructors take attendance and have the right to boost your grade a letter or add extra points to your final grade.


The type of person who should not attend Mansfield University is someone who is looking for a "party school." Mansfield is quite small, and is a dry campus. From experience, there are not many parties to attend too and when there is one, the police will probably find out, and the party will be busted. I know a few people who have gotten underages and have left Mansfield because they came to college for a fun time, and not to learn.


Someone who shouldn't attend this school would be someone who is not going to take it seriously. This college is very serious about the success of it's students and pushes them to achieve success by reaching their full potential. Someone who is very adapted to city life might be lost because this college is in the hills of Pennsylvania and there is not much around it, though it never is boring because it has a lot going on throughout the week at the college and in the town.