Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Mansfield University of Pennsylvania?


Someone who wants a city atmosphere shouldnt come here. Mansfield is a rural PA town, with a walmart, half the town is dead or businesses are closing. If you want a school that is VERY diverse, dont come here.


Some one who isnt dedicated to their academics. You should also be prepared for cold winters and you shouldnt have to high of standards for the drom facilities that you will be staying in. Someone that doesnt believe in what the University has to offer should not be coming here because the university tries to provide the best atmosphere as possible.


Anyone who loves country and a small setting. I loved this school because it was so individualized. There was never a question of who would be in your class. I love Mansfield so much in fact, I am going back next semester as a graduate student.


Students' social lives are limited due to the geographic location. There is not a local shopping mall, or movie theatre; and hotel accommodations for visitors are quite limited. A student that is looking for national sporting events, dance clubs, and constant excitement probably would not find what they are looking for at Mansfield University.


The kind of person who should attend MU should be someone who is okay with being around a small, close-knit group of indiviuals. We all have some sort of craft, sport, or activity that we are involved in - so being invovled is key. Whoever comes here, should be a winter/cold weather person because winter starts mid-October and ends mid-April. They should have a positive outlook and expect to have everyone either know of who they are or know them personally. It's a family of 3500+ but it's a good time.


People who want diversity and are of a different religion than christian or catholic or jewish.


A person who does not value their education or refuses to learn from their surroundings and the individuals around them should not attend this university.