Martin Luther College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Martin Luther College know before they start?


When deciding what college fits best into the students plans, you need to remember a few things. College is a very important step in your life. Good grades and involvement in extra-curriculars can get you the necessary skills and support to do the best you can in whatever you do. Remember, however, that college is not all about the "school" part. It is the best time in your life to have fun, make life-long friends, and live with no regrets. College needs to be a good mix between responsibilty and your final hoorah before you enter the full-time work force. Be careful to balance those two sides carefully because if they're not balanced, you will not get everything you should from college.


Finding a place that will allow you time to focus and that has professors willing to help students at almost anytime.


Look at the schools test scores (ACT) and where you fall in relation to those test scores. Choose someplace that offers one of the best training for the career you intend to pursue. Of course find out if the school is accredited. If education is something you want to pursue as a career choice look at if the college will offer you an opportunity for your state lisence (espeically if it is a private college) and how widely that state lisence is accepted. Other than that find a school where the professors and the dean are there to help you, make you feel at home, and are outgoing and personable to you and your family.


Do not be afraid to admit mistakes. College is a big commitment, but will help to decide one's future vocation. It is never too late to change your path. With this in mind, do not be afraid to take a risk and go for your goals. Life is short; don't live with regret.