Marylhurst University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Marylhurst University know before they start?


I went to college right out of high school and immediately declared a major in psychology. I even took the extra step of working as a lab assistant in a psychology lab. I was set up for success, but then senior year came. As my undergraduate degree was wrapping up and it was time to apply for graduate school, I realized that something was missing. The excitement I should have felt for my future was not there and I ended up dropping out. I realized that I had been diligently pursuing a career that I really was not passionate about. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give the following advice: “Take your freshman year to find your passion.” I felt so much pressure as a freshman in college to declare a major and decide on a career and it led to me to waste a lot of time and money. This fall, after a lot of exploration, I will be pursuing a degree in interior design. I have found my passion and at last excited for what lies ahead in my future.


As a high school senior, I had no friends. I was the loner that none of the students talked to, but all the teachers loved. I was a hopeless dreamer and my only wish was to fit in and have friends. If I could go back and give my high school senior self advice, I'd say, "Don't worry about all of these losers you're going to school with. You'll forget about all of them (except for maybe one or two) in a year's time. Just focus on getting the best grades you can right now, and everything else will fall into place. Once you get to college, your life will change drastically. You'll have friends, and the best boyfriend you could have ever hoped for. You'll be the happiest you've ever been in your life. Just hang in there; only one year of high school left. And I promise, your life will be amazing."


Take the time to look into all kinds of schools. Start out going to a community college first to complete your basic core work first! Dont rely just on loans. Apply for scholarships and grants, as many as you can. Take advantage of every oppertunity to make it through school without debt. Stay away from credit cards and listen to your advisors. They know what they are talking about!


I would tell myself to save a copy of all my papers and notes from every class. Also I would take photographs of every piece of artwork I gave away to keep for memory (and for my portfolio.) I would have been a bit more organized about keeping notes of the valuable information in a separate notebook, for example my ceramics teacher told me that in life it isn't the shiny things that matter, it is the connections you make with fellow humans.. we were talking about buying new cars, and how it is best to just get a nice old toyota corolla for cash than to go into debt and have a shiny new car and a lot of stress that would take energy away from the important things. I would tell myself that sometimes a crappy teacher will give me other kinds of lessons that might not have anything to do with the subject I signed up for. I would tell myself to savor the experience and to take it as slow as necessary to be present for the kids and to not worry about the degree so much, it will come in time.


When I was a high school senior I could careless about getting good grades. I was all about fun and games and just passed high school with C's. When I started at Naugatuck Valley it was a rude awakening for me, but it was great for me at the same time. College is all about being independent and mature. It's up to you to complete your homework on time and hand it in. If i were to give myself advice as a senior in highschool i would say Alexis, Wake up! Getting a degree is my number one priority right now. I would tell myself how tough it would be and how different I would become. I would tell myself to take highschool seriously and get the best grades I can so i would not have to take all the prerequisites that i had to take. 3 years later I am 21 years old, i have a full time job and i am completely independent. I have been working towards my associates degree and i am almost there. I am extremely motivated, and working extremely hard at work to get myself there. My bachelors degree is next!


There has been a considerable gulf of time and experience between my graduation from high school and when I actually enrolled at a university. I feel I have a very tangible comprehension of who I actually am and, I can directly trace this to my willingness to engage in life, rather than accept paths and goals that others wanted for me. I understand that purpose of these questions is to gaze backwards reflectively and make generic statements like: "I wish I had understood how difficult it would be to keep up with my studies, I should have focused more." or, "Pay attention to your parents and teachers advice, it will benefit you in the end." For myself, I think that is nonsense. I knew who I was at eighteen and I knew what I wanted; education without clear intention or self-directed focus is a colossal waste of time, money and life. I was unsure what I wanted at eighteen yet, I definitely knew what I didn't want: I didn't want to end up stuck in a life, job, relationship that others set before me. Pay attention young man, follow only your path. Your going to be fine.


Dear High School Geneva, You need to go to college now and you can do it if you find the right resources and people to support you. This is completely possible! You need to find one wise adult, preferrably who has been to college, who will believe with you that you can do it. You need to find one person who can show you the steps. Be persistant in finding this person, then be persistant in following their advice . Make this your number one priority. This is far more important than anything else you might wish to do right now. This is going to be hard. Become very determained. If you don't know what you want to do for a career right now, that is OK. You will know more as you progress through your education and you can always add on more training if needed. Take steps in your life to show the adults that you are serious about going to school. You need to look like you are serious. You need to seem like a good investment. Be serious. Be a good investment. Work hard, and do this now! You can do it!


I was such a quiet person when I was a senior in high school, I didn’t realize all the opportunities that were waiting for me. Furthering your education can be simple, give you a career that supports you financially and feeds your soul. The thoughts of attending college were so intimidating I couldn’t fathom starting college. Applying and attending college is not as frightening as it can seem. By talking to a college advisor you are able to define what your personal goals are. Determining what satisfies your soul and can provide a career may give you the motivation you need to get started on an educational path. Choosing a profession does not always have to be the typical careers that we hear about. There are many occupations that are seldom heard of and many more that can be adapted to fulfill your financial and personal needs. By expanding our knowledge into the unknown we are expanding the opportunities life has for us.


The advice I would give myself is to always strive towards success and not let failure be an option. Having twelve years of education is just the beginning of becoming someone in my society. When something gets hard and I fall, I have to learn to get up and keep fighting for what I want. Success is to be envied when its not acheieved by oneself because it only encourages and empowered my drive to become what I feel in my heart is success in my eyes. Money is the the main source of success, but its loving what you everyday and enjoying the beneits that come with doing that.


I would tell my high school self to not worry as much. Everything turned out just fine and I could have had more fun. I would tell myself to cherish my friendships because being at college I don't get to see my friends. I would have spent more time with my family and played with my little sister more because now I never see her. I would just have enjoyed my last year as a child, I feel like such an adult now; living on my own having to figure everything out by myself. I wish I could have warned myself to slow down and enjoy my last year of high school and living at home because I can never go back to how things used to be. But still, being on the other side looking back I think I made some good choices as well and I wouldn't change the person I've become.