My college experience at Maryville University has been exceptional. I have grown as a person both intellectually and emotionally during my college years. This college experience allowed me to "grow up" in a quiet atmosphere where I could feel at home but still be living on my own. This campus is small and seclueded from the city life, and yet close enough that you are a twenty minute drive from downtown St. Louis where all the action is! There are plenty of extra curricular activities to keep you busy if you choose and plenty of quiet study areas to keep you academically focused. I learned to be culturally diverse and accepting, at the same time I was learning my own morals and values.
I have gained a lot of friends, and just knowledge from high school that I did not know before. A good education is important to me, and being successful in the long run and not having to live pay check to pay check will be very nice!
I came from another state to attend this school. The difference in culture was surprising, yet a great change. The culture at Maryville Univeristy is one of its strong points. I have yet to think about going somewhere else!
I grew up in a small, close-minded community that offered safety and familiarity but left me no room to grow. By choosing to attend a university in the city, away from home, I opened myself up to limitless opportunities for meeting new people, experiencing other cultures, and allowing my love for learning to grow. My college experiences at Maryville have made me a leader, a critical thinker, and an independent adult with the ability to thrive in the real world. After coming from a high school that didn't offer much in the way of extracurriculars, I have enjoyed all the involvement opportunities Maryville has for its students. I have been on the University's Orientation Team, served as a Peer Mentor, participated in intramurals, held the presidential role in several organizations, and travelled to Florida and New Orleans for community service trips. My involvement on campus and in the community is my way of giving back to a family that has given so much to me. College is constantly giving me new tools to deal with the situations life hands me.
In my first year at Maryville, I have learned more about myself then I ever did in 4 years of high school. I have found out what I want to do, which has given me a goal to work towards, which has made me a more dedicated person to everything I do. With that dedication I've earned the respect of my classmates, teammates, and coworkesrs as well as my family and my group of friends. I've learned what it takes to be a successful student, and I'm heading in the right direction to be a better student. I'm not happy with my GPA only being a 3.0. My first year was definitely a learning experience, from which I took away many things. Learning about myself and about my future was the most important part of my first year, and without attending Maryville, under the circumstances which I attended the school and the events that occured when I arrived here, none of what I have now and what I know now could have ever been possible.
As I look back, I would look into the scholarship opportunities more and take the time to apply for them. It will help pay for your education and will not be as expensive for you and your family if they are helping you. Also I would take the time to look at multiple colleges and take the chance to visit the college. Don't just go off of what you have heard or where other friends are going. You have to make your own choices and be more independent. You will keep your close friends, but you will also grow closer with the time apart and meet new friends on campus. Also do not worry about all the work, just stay on top of your assignments, essays, and projects.
I would tell myself not to stress so much. That I would be going t o a school by wihtout anyone from my high school which would be scarry at first, but that I would meet some amazing people. I would also say not to worry about any drama or conflicts that are going on currently, because a year from now I wouldn't even remember it. Also that I did stay in contact with the people that were important to me. It takes a little work, but it gets you manage. I would remind myself to call my home more, because I know that it really hurts my family when I don't call to check in once and a while.
Dear High School Sam,
College is not easy! Get more involved, you meet the best people and it opens up a whole new world for you. You will succeed and you will be happy. Don't take things seriously and learn to relax. You can't sweat the small stuff. Learn to prioritize and not procrastinate. Get a tutor in math and chemistry now, don't be afraid to ask for help, if you don't it will kick your butt later. People do want to help you succeed. Learn good homework and study habits now so you don't stuggle later. Get friends that appreciate you for who you are, it boosts your self-esteem. Take advantage of every opportunity given to you. Oh ya, have fun!
College Sam
The only advice that I would give to myself as a senior would be make sure that you are prepared. There is no time to slack off in college. If you fall behind in your first year, then you will constantly just be catching up the remander years. Also make sure you know how to study. Know what is your best method of studying and make sure you stay concentrated. Other than that just enjoy the years that you spend in college, because you cannot yet them back.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, there are many things I would say. The first would be "PAY ATTENTION IN CALCULUS!!" Math is absolutely the hardest thing not to forget how to do, it is definitely not like riding a bike. Other than that golden piece of advice, I would just tell myself to make sure that I enjoy my senior year, and to make the same good decisions that I was taught to and never to compromise my own morals for the wishes of others. Although I have held true to everything I have said that I would tell myself (save for the mathmatecal situation), a gentle reminder never hurts.