Get focused. Get all the pre requisites out of the way even if undecided on major. WHat you do know affects the future. Think before you act.
College is fun, but also requires a lot of study time. As long as you stay focused and goal oriented, you will do just fine. Never procrastinate when writing a paper, start researching right away on your topic. Don't stress the small stuff, there are always alternative options.
Well, I would definetely have taken school more seriously and not dropped out of college at the time, because it took a while to get me back. But I can say that I am more focused and want to learn more as I have gotten older and am paying for it myself.
I would tell myself to be more outgoing and to give myself more of a chance to meet new people. Don't be afraid to go to an event by yourself, because you will definitely not be the only solo one. Go to all the events you can and enjoy them before school gets too serious and difficult. Money is great, but it is not worth working so many hours that you lose out on friendships and getting the best grades you can. Don't be afraid to speak up in class and participate, people will like you for who you are, not to mention that you're grade depends on it. Most of all, do your best, work hard, but enjoy every moment of it because it goes by faster than you would think.
Be sure you know what you want to do before choosing a major.
Dear high school Amy,
Knowing what I've experienced the last two years at college, I'll tell you a few pieces of advice. First and most importantly: don't be afraid to be yourself and reach out to others first. Most everyone will appreciate friendliness and will talk to you if you talk to them. Don't be afraid to explore new things and get involved in many things to find your passion. Don't procrastinate, do your homework, and study; college is a lot more challenging than high school. If you have a question about ANYTHING, ask. Someone will be able to help you, and if they can't, they will direct you to someone who can. Take advantage of the experiences you encounter, leadership and volunteer opportunities, and be involved in what makes you happy. College is for working hard to earn a degree, but it's also time to find yourself and your passion, make life-long friends, establish connections, practice responsibiliy, and having fun. Keep up with your work in high school, save money, and enter college with a positive, welcoming attitude. Don't be scared; it'll be GREAT! --The experienced Amy
Go with what makes you feel the best when you visit. No one can make the decision but you. Parents can give good input on what they think would be good for you, but only you can decide what is best for you and your future.
Students should visit as many colleges as they possibly can. These colleges should vary in population and location. The college that just feels secure and right in both the heart and mind should be the college that a student should choose. Tuition, location, and what the college offers are very important in the decision making process; these are three factors that made me decide that my college that I attend was perfect for me. Students should decide for themselves and remember that no others' opinions should alter their own.
College is a time for exploring who you are and what you can become, just remember that change is okay. It's okay to change your major, it's okay to change your friends, and it is okay to change your interests and activites. Just remember to make choices that you won't regret later and keep an open mind. As long as you don't let go of your morals, traditions, and standards, these choices will come naturally. As far as choosing a college, don't let finanical barriers get in the way, you will be in debt no matter what and choose a school that has your sencond choice major!
Don't push yourself over the edge, take time to breath, not time out of school. Seek the help of those around you who have been through what your are going through now. Your friends will help you through the best and worst, last and first. Overall, listen to yourself and trust your instinct, what is best for you, afterall it is your life - you have to live with your decisions. As always, life is way too short - live it up and have fun!
I would tell students to visit as many colleges as possible and just try to imagine yourself attending classes there. To make the most of your college experience I would tell students to try different things and join clubs to see what you most enjoy.