McMurry University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about McMurry University?


The nice facilities that we have here athletically.


The History department and the fact that my history professors are authors of books that I had before I attended college there.


That included with the tuition is a rental of an Elitebook notebook.


I brag that I am not just a huge number in a big school but an actual person where all the teachers remember my name.


McMurry is not simply committed to your degree attainment, but is committed to insuring that your McMurry experience prepares you for career success, civic responsibility, and personal satisfaction.


The quality of the professors.


The classes at McMurry are usually around 15-20 students, and those are the bigger classes you take your freshman year. I love being able to walk around campus and say hello to everyone by name, and being involved in so many clubs and extra-curricular activities. The school spirit is alive and everyone is so friendly, it's nice to know you can call anyone, teacher, dean, or security, from your cell phone to theirs with no problems.