McNeese State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at McNeese State University know before they start?


I believe if I had the opportunity to go back and tell myself one thing about the transition, it would be "smile and keep going."


If I could go back in time to talk to my senior self I would offer some advice about college. First, I would tell myself not to stress over filling out too many college applications and to try and be reasonable with the colleges I choose to apply to. Don't apply to some random college across the country. Second, I would tell myself that college is not scary. The students, teachers, and faculty are just normal people. Third, I would tell myself that living away from home gets better, and that I should not consider moving back home. I would say, "Get involved on campus and make friends." Fourth, I would tell myself to stop thinking sororities are bad. They are a great way to network and stay busy. Of course, being in a sorority comes with decisions. You have to balance school, work, and a social life. Lastly, I would tell myself the importance of staying fit so that I can always feel my best, physically and emotionally. Eating right and exercising is a vital part to being the best person that I can be.


I have learned how to work hard and earn the grades that I get. I learned time management and how to balance life and my priorities.


My time here at McNeese has been extremely enjoyable. The teachers are always available to help students on an individual, one-on-one basis; most of the faculty have Ph.D's, at the very least Master's degrees. The campus is beautiful, and the students are very open-minded and friendly. McNeese has already, in a lot of ways, become my home. I've learned so much already in just my first semester, academically and socially. However, I'm not sure if I'll be able to afford my sophomore year here as my parents are unemployed, and I'm working a part-time job to help pay for my own expenses, such as food and clothing. If I was able to get this scholarship, I would make every penny count towards my college education.


I believe that my college experience has taught be to be objective on the issues facing the population today. I came from a small but very opinionated community that forces it's beliefs on everyone in it. This college is so diverse (at least to me it is) in its ethnic population that I have been able to see how people from other cultures truly are. I can assuredly say that I can empathize with nearly everyone I come in contact with.


Within the past couple of months I have come to the conclustion that I love college. The reason for my absoulte love for college is I actually feel like I'm getting something out of my education. I know that one day this is all going to help me succeed in getting the career that I truly desire. Not only that but I have had a lot of fun so far, there are numerous activities always going on where you can meet new people and try new things. I love meeting people and getting a great new experience while I'm doing it. They have numerous clubs and organizations you can join. The best thing is the teachers actually treat you like an adult they help you and actually try and help you through your time hear. It's great to know that people are actually trying to help you out and treating you the way you should be treated. I plan on going to college for four or more years and nothing will stop me from doing that. I hope that each year is as great as this year.


Hi, my name is Austina Smith and I am A high school graduate that is unable to attend school because my guardian will not sign her parental signature on the financial aid form. Have this issue has made me lose hope for my future. I feel that I will never have A chance to be successful because of this matter. I really want to attend school, But this one issue is holding me back. So please take me into consideration of this scholorship. I know I will be highly appreciative of this opportunity. Thank you!


What I have taken from my college experience is a job that I am passionate about. The fact that I am paid to teach children music, to teach them how to play all instruments, to expose them to time periods and composers they may never have been exposed to, and I also get to continue playing myself along with them is wonderful. Having completed my goal to become a music educator would not have happened if it were not for McNeese State. Prior to transferring, I had taken time away from school. I found myself working three jobs to make ends meet and missing the opportunity to play music. I quickly realized that struggling the rest of my life was not a way I wanted to live - but I also knew that I had to find the right environment to re-light that passion for music I once had. McNeese did this for me! Now I am pursuing my masters degree in school counseling so that one day I may also be able to push or inspire a child to move on, to seek a greater lifestyle, or to go for thier dreams!


I have learned a lot from my college experience. I have lerned to apply what ever I learn in the classrooms to mylife experiences and daily activities. I've also learned to think logically and find solutions to problems logically rather than emoionally. College has thought me to be less shy and willing to tke up leadership responsibilities. I have also become more confident in myself.


McNeese has a been a great experience mainly due to the great teachers it employs. They are by far, the most valuable asset the campus has.