McNeese State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at McNeese State University know before they start?


Out of my college experience, I have learned to be more independent. I have learned how to more easily meet people and work together. I have learned to be more cautious with my money. I have learned what people can motivate you and what people can hold you back. It is valuable to attend to make new friends, learn everything you can, and you also begin to feel more independent. You are also working towards what you would like to have as your profession, so you become motivated to work as hard as you can.


College has given my sense of direction a whole new road to move along, I am off that uncharted road on the highway to success. Through my stay thus far at McNeese I have learn how to open up and speak for myself and what I believe in, I have overcome many of my fears like talking to authority figures that would have hindered me later in life. With such a personal atmosphere I have really realized just how much I can take my future into my own hands and lead by example. College has helped me to find myself and I could ask for nothing more than that security.


I have learned a lot in just the first year. There is always some activity going on so I'm never short of making new friends. As a member of the band I have traveled and learned more about myself and music in general. Overall, I can't think of a place that could fit me more perfectly.


I have learned that with freedom comes responsibility. I feel that I have grown in that area . I also have learned that one must take advantage of the help that my campus offers in almost every subject.


College is a place of independence and a place to find who you really are and what your capable of accomplishing. It is a place to meet new people and learn more bout the social status of others. A person who is more acquainted with a variety of friends become a better person overall. College is good to attend because you learn discipline and responsibilty that one will have to use for their future in the workforce. Just like any other previous learning or education, college is just preparation for future endeavors of one's life. College can be of great experience if you take advantage and use it to your ability. College life is the start of your future life as an adult and for your career.


Assuming time travel finally made an appearance and was sucessful, if I had the opportunity to go back and speak to myself on the night of my high school graduation I would give myself this powerful advice. Amy...College is very serious business. DO NOT underestimate any of your classes or deam the pointless and unworthy of your time. You are paying a pretty penny and every class you take will have a powerful change on bettering your education. In the end, your education and knowledge of the world and what is going on around you will be mind blowing. Go to every class, as well. Skipping out is not a wise choice. Stay focused, stay positive, enjoy it, and you will be amazed with the results.


Even though you are young, and all you want to do is have fun with your friends; think about 20 years from now. Think about having to support yourself and your family. What are your hobbies? Can you turn those hobbies into a career? Go to school for something that you love to do, have compassion for your education; and succeed in the degree you want. College is all about you, it's all about what you want. College is a time to make more friends, have fun, connect to your community, and get your degree. While your in high school, make sure that you work hard for those good grades. Once you apply for college, those good grades will make things a lot easier in acceptances. The biggest advice I can give you is to make sure you think about what you really want to do with your life; what things do you want to do that will make a difference? How much do you care about our world and what are your goals? Everything helps, so make sure you do your part!


If I could give advice to my past senior self, I would advise to not be so hasty to leave home and be independent, but strongly encourage myself to instead attend a local community college as I made a slower transition to independence. Having moved across country straight out of high school, I ended up having major burnout since I was not close enough to have family support. This was a significant interruption to my original goal of independence. To this day I am still attempting to jump that hurdle, as I am having difficulty juggling both school and a job. I want desperately to finish school, but now I feel as if I am cheating my younger brother out of his college opportunity by still asking my parents to help with mine. I would tell my senior self, 'Go to a local school and get your core classes taken care of. Then you will be more prepared to decide about your major and which direction you want to go. Plus, you will also be more prepared for independent life and have opportunities for career fields, not just jobs.'


I would tell myself to study harder and take my classes more seriously. I would also tell myself to not skip classes. I would be sure that I knew how to apply for more scholarships and financial aid because I do not have enough right now. I would be sure to tell myself to get involved in the Baptist Collegiate Ministy as soon as I started college and make good friends who would help me stay accountable and push me to study and make good grades. I would tell myself that even though McNeese was not my first choice, it was a good school and it was where I needed to be.


Life is short. It goes fast. College is important, but so is life and enjoying it. Enjoy these moments in high school. You will never get them back. Relax and stop letting the stress overwhelm you; it will work out in the end. You are smart, brave, and talented. You do not have to prove yourself to anyone. Stop being so afraid, life is not as scary as some make it. You have to take risks. You have to make mistakes. It is a part of life. You learn from these things. Learn this now and not only will transitioning to college be easier, but so will life. That is the advice I would have given myself as a high school senior.