Mercer University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Mercer University?


Those who want to be exposed to new ideas and be challenged about who they are.


A person that is interested in a Liberal Arts, Medicine, Enginnering or Business school.


Any person that can, should. Just make sure that financial aid is in place because as i said above it's very expensive.


One who is interested in improving themselves and those around them. Those who like a college where acedmic acheivement is encoruaged and the student is focused on excelling in any field of study including medicine, leagal, engeneering, business eduation and the arts.


Someone who is ready for an academic challenge and wants to be moderately to very involved on campus should attend Mercer.


Someone who likes smaller classes, someone who likes Greek life.


A person who is dedicated to their goals and their purpose in the world. One who has a drive for making a difference. One who wants to find out about themselves through their studies and their interaction with others. One who has a sense of curiousity.


One who is comfortable in a pretty small environment. It isn't that small, but small enough that your teachers and classmates will know you by name. You will have to participate in classes and find your own voice because there aren't so many people in the class that you can just sit in the background.


Someone who knows what career path they want to take in life, who loves to be academically challenged, and who does not want to go to a schoolt that is nether small nor large.


Someone with some money who is intelligent and outgoing.