I have been accepted into Clark University’s Bachelor of Arts Program in Mass Media. My purpose for reaching out to you is to request scholarship funds to supplement my educational expenses. I am requesting these funds due to a lack of financial stability in my household. I have recently graduated from Baltimore City Community College with an Associate of Arts Degree in General Studies, with dreams to become a TV or Radio Broadcasting Personality. This has been a lifelong dream of mine, and I do feel that I am well prepared for the obstacles and hardships to come from the rigorous Mass Media Program at Clark University.
I am a very well-rounded person. My first year at Baltimore City Community College, I knew that I wanted to further my education at a HBCU. I pushed myself for three years to gain my AA degree and begin the transfer student process. I have attended many summer classes at BCCC and had several classes at the Bio Park learning center. My aspirations to attend an out of State school arise from research that I have undertaken pursuant to the field of Communications.
Balance more academic life versus the social life. Be more involved with activities, clubs, and events on campus. Make more friends than the huge amount you already have.
I would tell myself, settle down. I am a very fast paced person, everything needs to be done as soon as possible. This frustrates me about myself, and I think that it also can get in the way of my social life, as well as academic success. Reassurring myself the world isn't going to end if I don't do a paper right now, would have really been helpful and decreased my stress levels significantly. I think letting myslef know that everything happens for a reason would also be important. Things happens, bad test grades, bad break-ups, friends transfer, you don't get a job or internship you wanted, but in the end things will work out, and probably for the best.
It is important to keep in mind that everyone is different when it comes to the transition from high school to college and college life itself. Starting off strong academically is key but so is making friends; get involved in campus clubs, activities, sports, etc. Take the initiative to get involved even if you do not know anyone. Find the right group of friends both in your major to keep you on track with academics, and outside of your major to keep you sane. Your friends will help your overall well being, especially as a transitioning freshman.
Be careful not to let your social life get in the way of your academics; it is much easier to let your GPA drop than it is to try to raise it. Stay motivated with your schoolwork and develop relationships with your professors letting them see that you care about class material/ school. If you are struggling academically or even socially they can lend a hand or at least point you in the right direction towards help. College life and the transition into it can be tough but you need to remind yourself that everyone is going/ has gone through the same thing!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that it is okay to ask for help. When I first came to campus, I had difficulty making friends, which was a problem I had never encountered before. I considered leaving Mercyhurst because I was so unhappy. My mom convinced me to go talk to an on-campus counselor. At first I was ashamed, but talking with the counselor really helped. I now have a great group of friends who I hang out with all the time. I would tell the high school version of me that it's okay to feel sad and miss home, but it is important to ask for help. I would also tell myself that you cannot force yourself into a group of friends and, if you are patient, a fantastic group of people will enter your life and change it for the better.
When i go to the ARIZONA WESTERN COLLEGE, which is my current college, i am taught how to communicate and understand people from many different backgrounds. I am in major of Fine Art now. I love to express my emotion through events that i join, class i attend and the art works i make. I always want to do something, that's why i wish my works are not just for exhibition but for realistic purposes.
I have learned so much about my major since i have been here. It has allowed me to see different job placements for my field of work and allow me to eliminate fields that dont interest me and helps me with the things that interest me most. I really enjoy all of the different sciences that i have the oppertunity to take multiple classes with teachers that i enjoy and the classes are not that big so the teachers are able to help each student who needs it individually.
College is very important to me for many reasons. One of which is its importantance to my future. Without college, I would have very little chance of ever reaching my goal of becoming a Telecommunication Technician. With this degree I will have a bright future ahead of me. I hope to receive this scholarship to help ensure I can become all that I can be in my field. Another reason I would like this scholarship is to take the worry out of college. Focus in the classroom should always come before the concern of where the funds for next semesters tuition comes from. Everyone should have an equal chance at reaching their dreams. This is why I would like to thank you for offering this scholarship. I hope that you will continue to help students like me. This allows them to chase their dreams and accomplish degrees, that will give them a hopeful outlook on the rest of their lives.
College has been a great experience for me. I have learned many things that I did not think I was smart enough to learn. It was daunting to go back to school at my age but I understand better than most of my classmates. It has been rewarding to assist young students that I have class with whom are struggling with their studies in classes that I excell at. I had the wonderful compliment of a teacher that has brightened my days in class with her. I was thanked for being a great student as I come to class and listen, pay attention and learn eagerly. It is fun to engage with my instructors and be able to pick their brains as to the wealth of information in them.