Mercyhurst University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Mercyhurst University know before they start?


The Best way to find the right college for a student is to get an idea of what they want to do as a career. I found that once I knew what I wanted to major in that my possibilities were large. I found a school that was close to home , the campus is small, but not too big. The faculty is absolutely wonderful and helpful in anyway that they can. Plus, what really pulled me in was the Walker School of Business. I knew that no matter what Business was going to be my field. I made the right choice, but you have to know what your future intentions are.


Some advice i would give parents and students is to take a tour of the school and if your a student and want to go there ask about stayiong overnight and with some students that way you can get a real sense of what the school is like.


Go to college


Parents should allow students to make their own decisions about college because it is the student going there and not the parent. It is better to go someplace that you love rather than someplace that you will be miserable. It not important to know exactly what you want to do with your life just yet, so take your time and follow your heart.


When deciding on a college to attend, I think it's important to find a college where you will feel at ease. Check out the environment, is it hot or cold? What's the weather like, sunny or rainy or snowy? When you get bored, is there a place you can go to have fun? Do you like the classes or will you just skip them and sleep? Does the food taste good? Try to spend a day or two there and soak up the atmosphere. Do you see people around looking happy or miserable. If you have the chance go and visit the campus around finals or midterms and see how people respond to the pressure. Do they look like they're about to break or going to make it. Most of all, is there something about the place that pulls to you, that says I can make this place my home and if so you've found the place that will help you grow as a person during this new stage of your life and become a fulfilled adult.