Metropolitan State University of Denver Top Questions

What are the academics like at Metropolitan State University of Denver?


Rigorous, differentiated and nicely coordinated for weekday or night classes.








Academics in Metro is excellent. The professors are well aware of the tools available and how to use them, this includes accessing the latest online sites, making use of modern books, addressing issues as they appear and solving them as well, etc. The standards are high. You just can not get into the system without been thouroughly accessed academically. Acuplacer test in almost everything, pre-requisites to courses and regulations place the school as one of my most respected school in the east. The quality of the graduates and those still in school tells you that the state and indeed the country is in good hands. You wonder if these are students or professors. They speak clearly, interllectually and informatively. I would employ anyone from this school because i know I am getting the best.


Prepare to work hard! Of course some classes you don’t have to even open your book but most you may re-read the material and even read addition resources. I remember having a few projects or papers due every week. Especially when you are in your upper class courses. I remember one class I had a 5 page paper and a presentation every week and a 20 page paper due at the end of the year on top of tests and homework. Big plus here also is there are no TA's Allowed! Its against school policy so you always work with the professor.