Miami University-Oxford Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


I am a commuter student at Miami, and my favorite thing about going to school every day is the commuter center. We have a room in the student center where we have lockers, a small kitchen area, couches, and a TV. It is a very welcoming atmosphere, and there are always people around to talk to or who are willing to help you with any course work you have.


The teachers are really cool. Very smart people and pretty liberal compared to most of the students and the townies


The athletic community is something that can't be duplicated by any other school.


The quality of education and the prestige that goes with a degree from here becasue that is why I am attending school.


Miami is very prestigious as far as academics go and there is always a rigorous workload to get done. The professors are glad to help out when one needs it and most are good at keeping students informed on assignments.


The education and the amount of study abroad opportunities available. The education on most points because of the respect companies have for the school.


A Miami art project students did.