Willing to help, form study groups, friendly, supportive.
Ver open minded and helpful, very willing to learn or make the grade.
MTSU study body is a good size, about 25,000. It is a very diverse group. Most of the students commute to school which is a hassle for parking and kind of sad of the weekends but it's cool. All of the students seem to interact well.
Sir Cletus
Borderline retarded, racist, homophobic, uncultured vapid stupid and homogeneous. Guys, if you don't like scrawny blondes with beady little eyes with names like Ashley, Brittany, Whitney, etc., don't come here. Girls, if you don't like fratty dickwads, hicks in monster trucks or wanna-be hipsters, consider a better alternative. There are MANY.
I'm here for graduate school. I received my Bachelor's degree from a top ten private liberal arts college that cost a shit ton of money. I was able to attend based on my generous scholarships and a heaping helping of student loans. There were A LOT of wealthy kids there. But they were smart. The only thing worse than smart rich kids are STUPID rich kids. And they abound here. I've never seen so many BMWs, Audis, Hummers, Lexuses and titanic monster trucks in my life. And they're all piloted by people who have enough money to go to whatever school they desire, but they're too STUPID to get in to good schools. In fact, most of these people wouldn't know a GOOD school if it jumped up and bit 'em in the ass.
Students here at MTSU are a pretty diverse group. There are multiple religious, political, and ethnic groups on campus and they all appear to be pretty active. There are also groups that are centered around recreational activities and intellectual interests. Jeans and t-shirts are pretty standard student wear, but not exclusively. Lots of people prefer to express themselves through their attire which creates a nice, usually very colorful, mix. Lower to Upper Middle class is the general financial background. The opportunities here for a good education with the help of state funding make MTSU appealing to students who need a little financial help to go to college.
I would not suggest going to MTSU if you are at all liberal. I felt very out of place. The only people who fit in are white christian middle class jock types. Be prepared to be pestered by christians and pro-lifers handing out pamphlets. Good luck if you're gay.
No student would feel out of place at MTSU. I believe that they had enough diversity that anyone could find something they liked or an organization they liked and fit into. A majority of students just wear normal every day American clothes, such as jeans, T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. I think that a majority of students are polictically aware, but some are not. There are clubs and organizations that help with that such as the Democrats and Republicans at school. The financial background does not matter. MTSU is pretty good when it comes to the cost of tuition. Of course it is going to increase, but it is still pretty average. As an out of state student I believe that they did very well with the cost of tuition. It wasn't completely out of the ordinary.
Different types of students interact with other students. There is no such thing as a click. You will find all types of people talking with everyone else. It's not like high school where you had a lot of people just talking and staying within their groups.
The four tables at the dining hall with students are really the same. You have people that have common interest sitting together, but they let other people in. Even if they don't dress like you, I believe that people still except you. People at MTSU are really laid back and talk to just about everyone.
MTSU has a very diverse array of student organizations with I believe over 200 organizations. If you are into it there is an organization for it. Outside of organizations, students usually mostly interact with other students within their colleges.
The student body is very diverse but my only complaint is that people are quick to group up. I think because the campus is so big and the student body so mixed, people tend to stick to what is familiar instead of taking the chance and the risk to step outside of their comfort zone. But for those that are willing to use college for all that its worth, theres always someone from just about anywhere that you can meet.