Middle Tennessee State University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


The dorms are a great part of life. All students should consider them their first year of school. I was excited about the opportunities it gave me. The fraternities and sororities are great. We are very supportive and help the community as well! My closest friends came from the honor societies and organizations! They were very welcoming!


I cannot even begin to touch up or even describe the amount of activities MTSU offers. You want to go scuba diving? No Problem! How about Tai Chi? You like oriental martial arts? You can find it right here. You like climbing rocks? Whadda ya know! There are clubs and classes for that too! You will have to try not to fit in.


i think thtat some students leave their dorms open. the athletic evvents are not popular at all. i live with my cloest friend! she is my roommate and we play volleyball together! if i'm awake at 2 am on a tuesday.. i'm studying! people party all the time! the frat parties are fun! we went to nashville last wknd. you can hang out with your friends.. you don't have to drink to have fun! off campus we eat and go out to a movie or the mall!


this is an area that MTSu needs to work on all around this area struggles a lot


The Academic groups are most popular and effective. The fratanities and sororities take a huge number of students as well. I am involede in the TLSAMP group- summer research and attending talks is the main focus. Most students lock their door, ut I do not mind leaving mine open when I can't find the Key. I have never had anything stolen. It is safe on campus. The atheletic events are popular only when MT is facing a challenge from touch colleges. That is when the stadium fills. I have observed that gust speakers lectures are well attended to when a professor uses it as an Extra Credit. To mee t a close friend I can inivet her into my apartment where we will cook, chat, talk about our academic life. Ocassionally we go out to eat,But not that often. If I would be awake on tuesday at 2am then I will be studying for an exam,or writing up a paper. July 4th is always fun at MTSU. The fire works!! Independence day. Last weekend I run a mile in 4.19. It was the best day . I ahd my PR. Thai weekend I will cook and invite my friend over then we can chat and talk about running, academics, social life and the political turmoils in Kenya


I am a member of a sorority and it takes up most of my time. However, if I was not in a sorority, it would still be easy to make friends and find something to do. Life on campus is pretty boring, unless you make it fun. We had some crazy fun times at my on-campus apartment last year just running around being stupid and playing jokes on our neighbors. At 2 a.m. on a Tuesday, I would definitely not be asleep. Me and my roommates would be cooking, facebook surfing, complaining about papers, cranking the music up, dancing, and yelling at each other. Athletic events are not popular at all, which kind of sucks. I only go to Guest Speaker events if I am getting extra credit, and I think most students would feel the same way. On the weekends, we go to fraternity houses and party. I'm not sure what else there is to do on the weekends if you are not 21.