Middle Tennessee State University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Middle Tennessee State University?


Anybody who feels the need to earn a degree.


The type of person that should attend this school should be someone who is outgoing and someone who has the courage to get involved and meet people. It is better if that person will approach their teachers with questions. Because it is such a diverse school, any student would have to keep positive and be friendly.


Every kind of person should attend this university. For every different type of individual there is something for you here. All the different activities, clubs, and social events is why I love MTSU so much.


friendly, eager to learn, serious about career, ready to have fun


someone who doesn't like living in a big city.


A person who is willing to experience new things and differernt ethnic groups


A person that is self motivated and willing to do research on their own, along with their class studies.


A prson that doesn' mind being away from home for long period of times. A person tha can stay goal oriented also with having fun.


Someone who is not afraid to get out of their comfort zone to meet new people. There are so many opportunites to get involved, you just have to put yourself out there. If you get involved enough, it starts to feel like a small campus because you quickly begin to know EVERYONE it seems. Also, anyone who wants to do Recording Industry or Aerospace or Education. These are our best majors. MTSU is very casual, and people are friendly if you just try to be nice to them. Class sizes are small too which is nice!


A person who wants to just go to a four-year college and get a job based upon that. If you want to, you can do the more difficult majors like myself and have decent options, but if you do the Recording Industry or Business Administration, good luck getting a job even remotely related to what you want to do.