Do alot of research. Look into clubs, groups, and organizations you might be interested in and JOIN them! Don't just sit in your dorm and study all semester. Learn how to manage your time. Set a study and play schedule. Meet people you normally would not see in your home town. Give everything a chance. I strongly recommend going greek to get the most out of your college experience. Not only did it help my GPA but College is SO much fun because I went Greek!
Find a school that not only accomodates to your academic needs and wants, but your social and environmental needs, as well. It is so easy to do well in school when that's all you have. Unfortunately, that is not the real world that students will enter into once they graduate. I believe that becomes a rough transition for the student, therefore holding the student back in the span of their career. Also, the student must be willing to be open-minded. You cannot always expect people to come up to you, or help you first. There is a level of friendliness expected, if you want to make the most out of your experience. Take some chances, and meet great people, because they will be the ones helping you throughout college.
Be comfortable with what your child is happy with. They need to believe in themselves, and know that they made the right choice! Be behind them no matter what and a friend when they are nervous.
The best way to find the right school for you is trial and error. First I would decide if you want to go out of state, like I did, or stay local. Decide what class size you need and what kind of attention you need from staff. Once you know the size and location of the school, the school itself falls into place.
Always take it serious but have fun while you're there. Its only last so long so enjoy it while you're ther. Make the most out of everything in life!
Find a school that suits you and they way you like to be. Also, make sure that you find a degree program (area of study) that you are going to enjoy and love learning about and doing the rest of your life.
Let them decide what they think is right.
A college is somewhere that you will more than likely be spending mopst of your time so examing all the facts is a must. Make sure your college has enough learning choices for you in case your situation changes. If you need online because you work during the day, or if you work at night and need to take a test via internet or correspondance, make sure your options are wide open. Check and see how many people your advisor counsels and what the availability of your major classes is. University policies are also very important and the financial aid available. If your into clubs and organizations, go to a few meetings if your local but always make sure they are easy to get in touch with. Call campus planning and check on any construction that might limit your dorm space. Also, making sure they have the "other" major you were thinking about will come in handy if you change your mind. But most of all, make sure your quality of life is what you want it to be in the community as well as campus. Never let the campus make you fit, always make the campus fit to you!
If you know what you want to study, go to the best school for it. If you don't know what to study, go to a big state school. Don't be afraid to transfer once you know what you want to do if there's a better program out there. The friends you made are great, no doubt, but you'll make more! And as far as making the most of the college experience: do your homework, go to class and other than that, don't think about books. Go have fun! Go join a club, group or fraternity/sorority.
Visit the college and take note of the environment its in and what environment the student is use to. Going from a city to a rural college usually isn't much fun but depends on the students school environment.