Prior to attending MTSU, an advisor was assigned to me for my undeclared major; however, when I finally declared my major, no advisors seemed to be around to help me. My newly assigned advisor never answered my emails, calls, or messages. My undeclared advisor told me she could no longer be of service to me. I think that if you are an advisor, you have an important role so you shouldn't take advantage of that. It was extremely frustrating not being able to get in contact with anyone to help me before I signed up for my major classes.
The most frustrating thing is calling the diffent offices trying to speak with people to find out information. The bet option is to send an email. You will get a faster response than sitting around calling.
The most frustrating thing about my school is making candidacy. In order to start the real work that I like to in the studio as a music business major, I have to wait until I pass certain classes. That is when I begin my major areas of study for the music industry.
I consider staying in the student dorms the most frustrating part of MTSU. The dorms are nice and everything but at night people are really loud and inconsiderate of others. Some people even bring little babies into the dorms with them. Also, it can get very uncomfortable whenever you're in your room and your roommate walks in with their boyfriend/girlfriend and they stay in there whispering the whole time.
The most frustrating thing about Middle Tennessee State University is the parking situation. If someone leaves in the middle of the day for whatever reason, it is almost impossible to find a good parking spot. It has gotten to the point where people are vicious if a parking spot does become available. The constant driving around causes unnecessary loss of gas money, which, in the tough economic times, is getting more expensive. Therefore, the lack of good, available parking is wating time and money, things of which most people don't have enough.
MTSU does not have a good adult education program for those working full-time during the week. The only realistic degree offered is a Bachelors in Universal Studies. Any other degree options are only offered to those that can attend classes during the day.
The parking can get extremely frustrating at times.
The are a lot of liberal teachers who say say they are open to everything at the begging of the semester but then mark your grade down because you did not summit to there way during the semester.
The most frustrating thing about the school is the administration. They are not always helpful nor they do they always know what they're talking about. Many questions go unanswered or unclarified.
The large number of people in some classes.