Middlesex County College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Middlesex County College know before they start?


College life is not like high school life. Although what is taught is the same for the first year of college, college is a time of gaining independence for students, whether they live on campus or not. Professors are not going to coddle students or stay on their cases like they do in high school. Professors are there to get a paycheck, no motivate students. It is in the students? best interest to attend class as much as possible, take notes, and get a study buddy in each class. Students must to take the initiative to seek tutoring help on their own. Stay on top of what courses are needed for a major completion. Many counselors recommend courses that aren?t needed. Always ask questions and make monthly counselor visits to make sure that everything is right. Books are expensive. Instead of purchasing every book before the class begins, go to the class and ask the teacher in advice whether or not it is worth buying the book. Search online sources for books; they are much cheaper than the ones bought on campus. Although college is work and responsibility...have fun. It?ll be the time of their lives.


If i looked back at High School the classes i took wouldnt change i took an extra math and science class. The one thing i would change is getting into more clubs to help me be more interactive and also to meet new friends. Even tho i was in the top 13{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of my class thats still not good enough for me i want to be the best. I wouldnt change the spots i played either bowling and baseball are both fun activites and brought me school sprit.


Dear Passion, College life is very different from high school life. For starters, the work load will be more challenging. There is no one there to push you, or to make sure you succeed. There is no teacher to call home, and remind your parent that you have to do a project. There is only you. You must push yourself harder than you have ever before. It should be taken seriously, and not thrown aside as a joke. You should have fun, and try to experience as much as possible. Once these years are over there is no getting them back. So play hard, but study harder. Love always Passion Gladney


If I were able to go back to my senior year in high school and explain to myself the hardships and obstacles that I would have to face. I would prepare myself for the financial endeavers that I would have to go through to actually pay for a college, and stress how important it is to apply for scholarships as soon as possible to make sure that I was set for my first year. The second thing that I would stress is impressions in college making a good impression with your teacher is golden. Someone that always studies and answers all the questions in the class is likely to be remembered. Some of this classes have twenty to thirty students in them which makes it hard for a teacher to remember them all, being that one shining star helps the teacher remember that extra mile that you took in class to be seen. Also how dedicated you are and deserving you are for that A+. Be different, follow through and always, always show that you are a winner. Do not let anyone tell you other wise.


The advice that I would give myself is don't let anyone tell you that its not possible. If people do not want to help you, you have to help yourself. Nobody knows you the way you know you, if you have a plan ; follow it if you have a goal ; acheive it. Do not let anyone hold you back whether it is a teacher, a friend, or family you have to make your own decisions. Because three years from now you do not want to see an old high school friend happy with their life and your feeling like a failure inside and from that point on your decision would either have made you or break you. And when you do embark the journey that you choose remember to never give up, whatever you do in life always give it your best because hardwork always shines through, and do not let life get to you even when you feel that everything is or has gone wrong. Because at the end the reward that you will recieve will all be worth it.


If I could go back and speak to my high school senior self I would say that college isn't really any different than high school. In the beginning its a bit more difficult but its an adjustment just like transitioning from middle school to high school. You are much more independent and have to rely on yourself alone to carry you through the class, but the achievement is that much more satisfying. Sticking with school and not letting anything thwart your plans and you can succeed at anything. There will always be times when you feel like you can't handle it but there are others that are in the same position and surrounding yourself with the right people and those that are motivated as you are, is helpful. I would tell myself that finishing is not as difficult once you have your mind set on finishing.


If had the ability to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would stress the importance of patience and relationship building. It is vital that all college students exercise patience throughout the college process. Many high school students live under the misconception that everyone graduates high school, attends a four-year university, and graduates in four years to move on to a high paying job. It sometimes takes a setback for one to realize that things just do not always go smoothly. Each college student takes their own path, which may be altered due to personal struggle, familiy circumstances or financial issues. If one is patient, stedfast, and hard-working in their approach, their goal will be accomplished in due time. Relationship building is an integral part of the college experience. Almost no other place on earth compares to a college campus. College is a chance to meet and connect with people from different places, cultures and backgrounds. Each professor, administrator, and even student has a wealth on knowledge that can benefit your life in some way. You just never know how the people you meet now will effect your life later.


College life is mostly a mental state of constant learning. Knowing what I know now, my advice is steady now, steady. As a senior in high school life is fast, fun and full of college applications. My naive mind had synced "college" with "freedom", "city life", "art escape"; my ideal, beautiful, and surely epic chapter of my life. I wished to do big things and mistakingly thought that in order to do so you needed a big city. I had my heart set on idealistic situations and refused the realistic, unfortunately before the start of fall semester, reality showed it's ugly face. So instead of attending school in Philadelphia for a hefty price, a familiar road, literally, brought me to county college. Going back to senior year I did not even factor in community college. Seniors should take the time to find a school that best suits all your needs rather than wants. I wanted a big city, but what I needed was something affordable. I am able to go to school full time and have a high GPA while working part time, and I get to sleep in my own bed! That's what I call "college life".


George, I know this has been a very difficult year for you. Losing your mother was not easy, and unfortunately life will not slow down or wait for you to catch your bearings; it never will. You must be courageous and focused. I am not going to lie to you: college life is far from easy. There will be an almost never ending flow of assignments, continually bombarding you. Your first inclination will be to run in the opposite direction?I should know. The sacrifice may seem great but so is the reward. There is nothing on earth so fulfilling as trying your best and receiving the hard earned results for which you have strived. I know this seems like a foreign concept to you, George. And I know that you don?t believe this, but you are a very gifted person; there is practically nothing that is beyond your grasp. All of the challenges that lie ahead, and there are plenty, are all opportunities to grow into the person you were always meant to become. Give college your best shot and you will see that you have it in you, and that you always have.


If I could return back in time and have a talk with my self as a high school senior, I would divulge the three hidden rules to college life that most college freshman inevitably break. The first rule would be to remain well grounded, this is important for every college freshman to consider since college can significantly alter one?s judgment due to the increased level of freedom. College is a place for self-discovery, development, and of course education. It is not a place for over-indulgent highly risky behavior. The second rule would be avoiding distractions at all costs. Half of the college freshman don?t end up graduating and typically do poorly during their first semester. The cause of this, too many distractions, if one can stay well focused and abstain from engaging in any detrimental behaviors then college will be very enjoyable. The third rule I would give myself would be to avoid overeating or making poor dietary choices. The freshman fifteen is not a myth, it is quite prevalent and gaining fifteen pounds of pure visceral body fat is a growing epidemic for college freshman across the nation. Follow these rules and success is certain.