Millersville University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Millersville University of Pennsylvania? Why?


I haven't been her long,so I don't have an all-time worst thing of all,but as of right now, there is construction happening to one of the buildings and all the dust and noise that accumulates is really getting on my nerves. It's not any better that they are blocking a major path, which forces us to take another some minutes to walk around the fences.


I consider the worse thing about my school to be the construstion that is taking place at this current moment.


The worst thing about my school is that they hire some professors that should not even be teaching. One professor I had was fired becuase she was to relaxed. We would always have opennote quizzes and it just wasn't a challenge.


The worse thing that I could consider about my school is the lack of diversity in the faculty and student population. The is a very small minority population which makes the school lack diversity. Coming from a big urban city, I was raised around a large population of diversity and this school and town has a lack of that. I don't like that because you get to learn less about people of many different backgrounds and you have a narrow view of different cultures. You miss out on socializing with different people and sharing different values with diverse groups.


I would say not living on campus. I would much rather be away from home learning about myself and learning to be independent. At Millersville you can live on campus, but living so close was a waste of money. So to any student going I would suggest they live on campus. It makes it much easier to meet people and make schedules to best fit you. It also helps you learn who you are.


The worst thing about my school is its lack of diversity.


The worst thing about Millersville is the football team. Millersville football used to be the top team is the PSAC. We used to have a Joe Paterno type coach but when he retired the program hit bottom. They are lucky to win three games a season. The team isn't disipline anymore and they get away with skipping practice. Football is a staple at colleges and it is disappointing that Millersville isn't one of those schools.


There are too many closed minded liberals, and the university promotes these reckless individuals.


I can't pin point anything negative about my school.


that after 4 years, I will be leaving Milersville!!