Millersville University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Millersville University of Pennsylvania? Why?


I would say the cafeteria is the worse thing about our school because most of the time the food is cold or old and the cleaning conditions are not good.


Lack of involement and lack of energy of the student body- there's not enough engagement from the students in events.


The amount of busy work because while it is useful, there should be more hands-on and not wasting the students' time.


I would say the worst thing about Millersville is the growing student poulation. I believe the school is taking in more students than it can accomadate and that affects class avalibilty etc. for current students.


the police only care about busting drunk kids, not the safely of students.


I would have to say politics. If you are a Republican, as I am, it is not so fun. Most of the profs are liberal, and they let you know it.


Boring atmosphere; an overall struggling sense of community.


how the teachers don't teach. they expect you to know the skills that they need to teach and then repremand students when they dont know things that have not been taught


I wish my school had more school spirit, and there weren't so many students at my school that just went to college to party. I wish more students tried harder to learn and get a better education. I also wish that there more scholarships available and not just for minorities.


its to expensive.