I would tell myself to really work hard and possibly take more time in deciding what I want to do in life before I get too far in. I would also tell myself to take it easy and try not to rush through the whole experience. I would also suggest trying to go straight to a four-year college instead of community college first. I feel like I missed out on some of the college experiences that so many people get the chance to experience.
Do the best that you can at all time. Scholarship and grant depend heavily on academics and community service Take advance classes when possible; this will make the firs semester more manageable.
I would tell myself not to be so worried. Yes, college can be stressful, but it is a learning process. You are not going to do everything right from the moment you step foot on campus. You learn and grow as you live out your life. I think college is a major growing step, because you are out on your own and away from home. I would also say to relax and have fun! College is a blast! You meet tons of new people and experiance new things, it's not just classes. But on top of that, don't let your grades slip. Discipline yourself to work hard and stay on top of your homework. Have a strong work ethic and be kind to others. Be yourself. True friends will love you exactly as you are. Don't worry about fitting in. You have a unique personality and the people you want as friends will respect that. So, don't worry, have fun, work hard and be yourself!
College life is hard, but the senior year of high school determines just about everything. At least, that is what you think when you are having to make one of the biggest decisions of your life up to that point. Now that I am in college, I realize that I am making what I do and how I do it possible. It is not the school that determines what I join and how well I study; that is up to me. I realize now that I could have made straight A's at any college. Maybe public schools are bigger and I would not have had as much one on one time or maybe private schools give you a better opportunity to get involved, but if I intend to get involved, I will do that no matter where I go. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to stop fretting over the little things. Do not stress over where you end up, because in the end, it will all work out. Enjoy your time with your friends, because when you go to college, nothing will ever be the same.
I would tell myself to follow my heart, especially when making decisions like where I want to go to school and what I want my major to be. My family had been talking to me since I was very young about going to Eastern Illinois University. I decided to go there without much thought, especially since I had made it into the Honors Program on grace. To be truly honest with you, that was the worst year of my life thus far. I hated it there and in the back of my mind I was constantly wondering what it would have been like to attend Millikin University (the school I really wanted to go to). Why didn't I go there in the first place? It is a private school and my parents thought it was too expensive. I am paying for college on my own so towards the end of my year at Eastern I decided to reapply to Millikin and work really hard on financial aid. All of my hard work paid off and now I am as happy as I will every be and doing really well!
The most important thing to remember is college is what you make it. When I was in high school everyone made it seem like college was going to be a blast and I would learn nothing, or you will become a bookworm and never have fun. That is far from the truth. College is hard, I must admit, but it's important that you learn how to balance your time between work and play. Play just doesn't mean parting either. It's important to become a active member on your campus. It allows you to network and make long lasting friends! Another word of advice would be to take one day at a time, dont rush into anything. Transitioning is hard already, dont make it worse by having to much on your plate at one time.
Where do I begin?! The thing is, I knew what I should have been doing my senior year, but I guess I just felt so overwhelmed. I should have been thinking about college my whole high school career, going on visits to schools that were close, and talking to students already enrolled there. I wish I would have sat my parents down and really got to the bottom of our financial situation that, to this day I still am cloudy about. I should have just swallowed my uncomfortable feelings and did it. I should have treated it like a project, making notecards and posters and spreadsheets. My college is not the perfect college for me, but it isn't the worst either. I'm learning to love certian things about it, and trying to get the most out of the resources available. Even if I did spend all the time in the world looking up colleges, I still could have been unhappy. So I am taking what I can from Millikin University, and becoming increasingly excited to start my career in a short couple years!!!
I would tell myself not to give up no matter if you feel out of place. If you set your mind to it you can achieve anything you want and prove everyone wrong. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone because it will just hold you back from getting to know people and becoming the person you truely want to be. Enjoy your time at school, make the best of it. Get invovled.
Take the time to know what you need before what you want. Explore all options before making a final decision, this way you will not have any regrets about your choice. Make sure that your financial situtation is congruent with you educational opportunities, be sure to put your education first and everything else second because graduating with a degree is the next goal. Learning how to manage your time properly will help you stay organized and focused, this will aid in the success of your goals. You are advancing you educational level, please advance your level of thinking and maturity. You are no longer in high school, so please act accordingly. Be open to ideas and opinions other than your own, college is a breeding ground for the creation of a new way of thinking. Make sure to get involved on campus by either getting a on-campus job, an organization/team/club, join a Fraternity or a Sorority, becoming a mentor, or volunteering your services; this is a great way of networking and have a great time while doing something that you enjoy.
Mr. Prude, apply for ALL scholarships now and do not apply for ANY student loans. You have the power to achieve anything that you can put your mind to, and make sure to go with your first mind. Take a few more campus visits before making a final decision and be sure that you can call that place your home (because you are going to be spending a lot of time there). Be involed in campus activities and make sure to give back to the community that gave so freely to you. Lift as you climb and never live with regrets. Have fun these next four years and make your family proud. You are the first in the family to go to college... BUT YOU WON'T BE THE LAST!!!