“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. You’re playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” These words will help you remember that you are beyond capable of succeeding just utilize all the resources provided if needed. Never be afraid to communicate your struggles because there is always someone around who will be willing to help. You’re fighting hard in your classes? Good, don’t become a procrastinator just because you feel that your struggle has ended when it’s only beginning. You have the ability to make friends; Just don't dwell on what others are thinking. Then you will be just fine.
If I could return to myself a year ago as a high school senior, I would tell myself to just focus on the future. I would tell myself to not be so wrapped up in high school, because in a few short months, I would be getting my diploma and I would not be looking back. If I had heard that advice last year, I would have immersed myself deeper in the Post-Secondary Education Option program at Minnesota State University and registered for more classes. This advice would entice me to look further into what I needed for my major through the University, and I could have taken classes that would have applied more directly to graduating earlier. This advice would have also helped me realize that I could take any class that I would want to for fun, which is something that I could not do within my high school.
Make sure that you know exactly what field you want to work in. Do your research into that field to make sure it is a profession that is in demand. College is a expensive education that is the base for your profession. Do not waste your time or money just to party, take your education seriously.
Everything will be okay. Everyone else is in the same position you are leaving home for the first time. I would tell myself to get involved and meet as many people as you can. Don't sit around and wait for something to happen, you have to make it happen. I would also tell my self to bring a backpack because you will really need one!
First of all, I would encourage myself to take the ACT over again. I realize that an ACT score is not everything, but it can help when it comes to getting sccholarships. Also, I would tell myself to be more prepared for transferring into a four year university. Even though I went to a two year college right after college, I would tell myself not to wait to prepare. It is a difficult process transferring into a four year college and the more prepared you are the better you will do and excel.
i would definitely have warned myself that that college will be a big change, even though i thought it wouldnt be. i think that this is important because when you come to a college campus it is a very different world. when i first came here i thought that it was going to be fun and studies. but, i got caught up in all the activites my freshman year that i forgot about school. my first semester my GPA was lower than what it should have been. so if i would go back and talk to myself as a senior, i would tell myself to not get caught up in boys, or in all the activites and to make sure that i focus on my school work.
Here is some advice from me as a college student now, going back in time to tell me as a High School senior about the transition into college. 1. Be ready to have roommates. Your room is not only yours. You have to learn to share. 2. You can not take all your clothes to college with you. 3. Don’t forget to bring your pillow back to college with you when you take it home on breaks. 4. Be flexible, be ready to do whatever needs to be done. 5. Be willing to pray out loud. 6 Be ready to go to class at 8 o’clock in the morning. 7. Get your drivers licenses so you can drive, and not use other people to take you places. 8. If you have a problem with someone go to that person and ask for forgiveness from them.
Do not be scared of change. Change is inevitable and can be a good thing. Transitioning into college is a positive step in life and will prepare you for your future as an adult and in your career. It is not as scary as you think. Have fun and enjoy the ride!
Nancy, I know that you have a lot of pressure being the first in the family to graduate and furthur your education, but you have to have faith in yourself and quite doubting if you can do it or not. The classes are going to be longer but you only take it once or twice a week. Everything will be okay, and you will not only make mom proud but grandma and grandpa. The secret is to learn to have faith in yourself and work hard.
Don't worry. Seriously. You should be focused and hard working, but don't stress yourself out. Not worrying does not mean that you should be lazy or careless, but it is important to remember that worrying doesn't get you anywhere. It's hardwork and a postive attitude that really matter. With those two things, you'll make it through your first semester, and beyond. Also, be friendly. There are so many people around you from so many walks of life. If you take the time, you can learn more about the world from your fellow students than you can ever be taught in a classroom. So, high-school-senior-Kaylin, remember: when you get to college, don't worry and be friendly.