Coming to this University I didn't know much about myself. I didn't know what I had to do in order to succeed as a freshmen in college. High school environment is way different from how college life is. Some say it's the same but I say there's a new total feel and definitely a change to how you did/do things in high school. I wish I knew time management meant so much to you as a college student and for the rest of your life. First year of college has changed my life.
I was not surprised by any thing. My academic advisor was very explanatory about my degree studies and the campus. One surprise was that the Vikings used our campus for Spring training. Fun to watch,
I wish I would have known about the social aspect of the college. A lot of people consider this college a party school and I might have been more leary about coming here than I was when I initially applied.
i do no really think that there is anything that i wish i would have known. maybe having to pick something, i would pick that i wish i would have known what my major was going to be because i think that it is a very important thing for everyone to know when going to a university because once you get here and maybe have an idea of what you want to do, you see all the other options and then get confused. so i wish i would have know this before i started school.
I wish I had known that MSU lacks sufficient housing for all of its students.
I wish some of the upperclassmen I know here had told me about the partying that goes on in the dorms. The noise makes it hard for me to study and sleep. I do realize though that this is to be expected at most colleges.
I think it is a scary thing to be at a new school and not know where to go or who to talk to for help. So the one thing I wish I had known before I started here was really how many resources you have available to you right from the moment of enrollment. Everything from financial aid and housing, to tech services and the many clubs that can help lots of students get involved in their major and the community.
how expenseive it is to live in mankato or just on my own would have like to know about your grant and many others.
I wish I would have known about ways to save money on textbooks. The campus bookstore does not have good discounts on books.
I wish I had know that I would make new friends fast and have fun and fantastic memories at this school. It would have made the nerves go away and my worrying stop and I would have known that everything bad that happened in the past does not matter anymore because I was making a new start.