Minnesota State University Moorhead Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Minnesota State University Moorhead?


I have always been able to work my schedule the way I like it and I have been able to get into the classes I have wanted when I want to take them.


We have a lot of intermural sports and there is always something going on wheter it be a study party or just a regular party there is always something going on.


The friendly environment of the campus, awesome professors, (they're like a little family,) and the accessibility of the academic advisors and staff. Also, the natural environment of the campus looks beautiful in any season, even winter. The small campus size is easy to access, and the set-up of the buildings is simple and efficient.


I mostly brag about the on-campus apartments. I also brag about the price compared to some of the other schools around here. Not to mention the dragon mascot.


I don't brag about MSUM. I mean- the people are friendly and the campus is nice but it was financially the best option for me. I have gotten accepted to the U of M 3 times but can never gather the funds to attend. I almost feel stuck in Moorhead.