Mississippi College Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Mississippi College?


Someone who is looking for an integration of faith and learning. Someone who desires a good education surrounded by a Christian worldview. Those who are looking for genuine friendships instead of merely acquaintances.


Friendly, Hard worker,


Focused student looking to prepare for the future. Involved in school and conmmunity servicve. Fun-loving, enjoying small group atmosphere.


Mississippi College is a school that accepts anyone even if they aren't Christians, so anyone willing to work should attend.


If you are a Christian and interested in a Christian enviornment, where you are constantly getting pulled closer to GOD you sould most definately consider going here. This shcool is located in a nice area, very friendly, not to small not too big, about 20 miles out from the city, but has places to eat,shop and have fun outside of school.


Anyone close to God, that likes small classes, and does not party much.


Someone who wants to earn a great education in a small, friendly environment. Someone who has a passion for what they are majoring in and is very determined to do their best in all they will do and keep God first!


Some one who likes to be in a close-knit community. A person that has strong christian values and morals. Also someone who can afford it.


A super Christian who wants to study all the time and not have any fun.


Any person can attend. If the person is very spiritual and loves the Christian environment a whole bunch, then MC is the school for them.