Missouri University of Science and Technology Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Missouri University of Science and Technology!


My college is a public university, but feels more like a private institution. We may have numerous students, but it's the perfect amount considering our ideal student-to-faculty ratio. Every teacher I had this semester knew my name and wanted me to succeed in their class. I'm comfortable emailing them or meeting them during their office hours because I can sense that they enjoy the time they use to converse with their students and help them understand difficult material. I also love that because everyone is an engeering major, we're all eager to help one another.


What makes the Missouri S&T unique is the courses that the students take. The campus is predominantly engineering majors, which means the majority of campus is taking/has taken the same courses you are in. Everyone is usually very helpful, as they know the amount of stress you are going through. Also, Missouri S&T has a high job placement for engineering majors. The career fair that takes place every semester is a great way to promote yourself or find a job because hundereds of engineering firms and companys come to our career fair to hire students.


MS&T certainly seems to have more of a defined identity than most other schools in that they know exactly what it is they excel at: science and technology. As someone who transferred from a university centered in a major metropolitan area, the contrast in environments is pretty stark. I've personally benefitted from the lesser degree of distractions associated with a smaller town, not to imply there's no fun to be had. Nobody celebrates St. Patrick's Day quite like Rolla. Students account for about a third of the city's population, so make friends and have fun.


The other schools I considered do not have the same dedication to hard sciences and engineering that this school does. Missouri S&T has a clear history of science and engineering from the very beginning. Since I am studying for a science degree, this school was a natural fit - not too far away from home, but with a very robust scientific and technical community.


I attend the University of Portland, it is unique in that it provdies a lot of opportunities for study abroad (50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of students study abroad) and for education majors it allows you to work with classrooms as early as freshman year (most schools wait until senior year). It is also great in that they really encourae service, and provide a lot of opportunities to volunteer in the local community of Norh Portland, as well as areas around the country and abroad.


The Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, MO is the best engineering school in the state, and it rivals such school as Texas A&M and MIT in intelligence. It is also relatively cheap compared to some larger school for the valu of the degree you get.


Missour S&T is one of the highest ranked engineering colleges in the United States. Unlike some of my other options, it is ranked within the top 5 highest ranked engineering colleges in the nation. Due to its large engineering community, Missouri S&T is widely known for it St. Patricks day celebration. Since St. Patrick is the Patron saint of engineers, St. Patricks day is largely celebrated in this community. S&T is also know for it's on campus nuclear reactor and experimental mine.


At Rolla, some classes give you the opportunity to skip the final by having good grades throughout the semester, unlike most schools. The only bad unique thing about the school is the low girl to guy ratio, but that's just like at most technological schools.


All of its unique traditions such as st pats and graduations. it focus on each student and how much everyone loves to learn.


Most of the buildings on campus are built for engineering.