Missouri University of Science and Technology Top Questions

What are the academics like at Missouri University of Science and Technology?


The academics at this school in my opinion are good, at least later on, some of the classes are bullshit, especially the intro classes, which are harder than the later classes,. but there are exceptions. THe classes can be annoying and tough, but theres a lot of help available. THe academics really outweigh everything else like others say, and I pretty much agree, the school is pretty insular in a lot of ways, its pretty much all about engineering, go to class, study, get a job, other areas are pretty much either half assed or ignored. Class sizes are pretty small, you pretty much see the same people around all the time, after starting your major. The classes aren't as bad as people think, it justs takes understanding the material, and then practicing it, people often make a big deal about the classes, even though they are doable, most of them that is, their are some classes here that are really hardd to the point you have to spend a lot of ur time studying. Pretty much though, academics hasn't been been too bad, its pretty either really laid back or really really busy. Its laid back most of the time when there isn't tests during a week or something, also cuz your homework isn't due everyday later on, but still a lot of your time will be spent studying though if you want to get good grades. You actually learn stuff in classes for your major, especially if you dont know much.


Favorite...materials (me153 with Kohser) Least favorite...thermo Study time...A lot, studying is good and socially accepted as an excuse to miss a party. Conversations outside of class...everything turns into an engineering conversation, very intellectual atmosphere. We had a school sponsored picnic where some guy may or may not have been hoisted in the air to challenge gravity with the effects of peristalsis


First of all, be prepared for many foreign professors in the math department. I've had 2 Polish profs and a Chinese prof plus a Chinese TA and an Indian TA. Sometimes the accents can be a bit of a challenge. I actually formed a friendship with a professor of Psychology and we spoke after class nearly every class period. Classes are much harder than high school. I'm sure there are some students who can continue to breeze by, but the majority of students must put in many hours of effort, especially in Math and Engineering classes.


Academics at MST are BRUTAL, even by engineering school standards. There is no question about what you can do with a degree from MST, You can GET A JOB. You will not learn anything here that you don't need to know to pass the Professional Engineering Exam. Many people take 6 or more years to finish a 4 year degree, due to the strenuous work load. It is common (and Acceptible) for 90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} or more of the students in some classes to fail. Without question however, a Missouri S&T Degree will get you a job, in your field, right out of college.


The faculty in the business department actually have some concern for their students. I started out in Engineering and the faculty was horrible. Ninety percent of them speak with an accent that prevents you from being able to understand anything. On top of that if you ask for help you get treated like you are stupid. They don't want to help their students. They want their students to help themselves and pay the school too much for it.


The teachers seem to genuinely care about student performance and do their best to make themselves available. For the classes that have a lot of enrollment (ex. Chemistry, Math, Physics, etc.) they have free tutoring sessions during certain days and hours. The school also has a Career Opportunities Center (COC) to help students find a summer intership, Co-op job, and/or job placement, along with tips to interviews and writing a resume. Most classes are geared towards application--meaning it's focus is on job application.


school is hard. i study for several hours every night, and the weekends are full of school work also. the teachers suck and are more interested in their research then the education of future engineers. my department does not seem too terribly interested in helping students out and will not get rid of crapy teachers even though they know that every student hates them.


Academics are solid, no complaints


The class sizes in the Freshman and Sophmore years are on the large side, but once you really get into your major most classes have no more than 30-35 people enrolled. Class participation is class dependent and professor dependent. Some professors absolutely love it when students ask questions and cause discussions while others seem put off and annoyed by it. Most professors are very helpful and have office hours that allow students to drop by and ask questions or have general discussions. Many students will have intelligent conversations even when they are hanging out and/or drunk on the weekends. Some people had a "no nerding on Friday night" rule. Most unique class I have ever taken would have been an Art appreciation class or an Energy Materials class. Both classes were dependent upon class dicussions and your opinion was very important. The academics are tough, but fair. I was always competing against someone else to see who would get a higher grade on a test, but competition is difficult since so many people are very hard working and very dedicated. I have had classes that have been geared towards getting a good job and doing a good job, but some other classes emphasized learning for the sake and passions of learning. Again professor dependent.


favorite class is my major classes