Design teams, frats, sororities, kmnr.
The city of Rolla can be very boring. There is a small downtown that one can walk to from campus. The downtown has a comic shop if that's your thing. Other than that and eating out, there is Wal Mart, the closest thing Rolla has to a mall.
Social life is pretty much geared toward frats and parties. They even sell drinking paraphernalia at the book store like shot glasses and such.
There are frats and sororities of course, and dorms as well. I chose to live off-campus, because I can have more privacy and less messy. Our athletics is not a main focus here. Finding a date can be hard, because of the lack of options. The town is kind of small, so there isn't a lot to do, but St. Louis is only 1.5 hours away.
the social life here sucks, consists of drinking with males and a few females. st pats, the organization, thinks they are important but really we dont need them to celebrate st pats (one of our biggest traditions on campus). IFC does more hazing the all the fraternities on campus combined. most kids go back to their rooms, and close the door to game or do hw all night. if you are lucky, you may find a girl that you are interested in here, but most likely that wont happen.
You get what you want out of the social scene at UMR, if you want to like it, you'll find something that you like about the social life of UMR. If you don't put anything into it, you won't get anything out of it.
Nobody comes to this school with expectations that they will have somebody to go out with every weekend. However, if you are a female the odd are good but the goods are odd.
My closest friends I met through Christian Campus Fellowship.
If I am awake at 2 am on a Tuesday night I am serfing the net, cramming for a test, or hanging with a friend or two.
Probably the biggest event that happens every year is the huge St. Pats celebration. There's the parade, the green beer, the getting out of class (class is always canceled for two days during the celebration), fireworks, etc.
If you don't like drinking on the weekends, you could watch a movie with friends, have your own party with your friends, go on a walk, play pool/foosball/ping pong, play frisbee golf, go to the park, eat, do homework, lounge around, etc.
none do nothing on a saturday night.. hangout with friends and chill.. if you have a girlfriend then you are one lucky person!... alot of people go home over the weekend.. but sadly for international students don't have a chance of going home.
Fraternities and sororities are the most active groups on campus and the main source of the social scene. There are many groups and project teams to get involved with. Sporting events are not very popular. The football team is terrible. The men's basketball team is even worse. Many students go to the women's basketball games, which are enjoyable. Athletic events are free to students. Racquetball courts are on campus and very popular among students. The gym at the multi-purpose building is not very good, but works. There are basketball courts open to the students as well. Most students look forward to St. Patrick's day every year, where there is a town wide celebration. Alumni come for St. Pat's to join in the fun. The school gives a few days off for it and everybody drinks very heavily. Lately, the school has offered some alternative activities for those who don't wish to drink all day, including concerts, comedians, and other entertainment. A typical week at MS&T consists of studying during the week and partying on the weekend.