The best thing about MS&T is that everyone is ENTHUSED about what they do! No other school will you find teachers as passionate about their work and eager to help you understand, except a few bad eggs...*cough* Dr. Armaly *cough*. Very peaceful and polite campus that takes 5 minutes to get anywhere. You're going to be surrounded by people taking impossible classes, so everyone kinda keeps to themselves. It's kind of a nerdy campus, feels like a haven for extremely gifted geniuses (think Xmen's Xavier Mansion). No bullies....not many girls, but it's getting better all the time! Night life leaves something to be desired, but I live off campus. Go greek, you'll probably have more fun, just don't get alcohol poisoning.
-I'd change...add a nursing program
-Size...small, not too small though
-Reaction...most engineers i've met in my internship nod their head very enthusiastically when i tell them where I go to school.
-Down time...there's camping, canoeing, bowling, ozarks, lakes not too far
-Administration...very easy to work with, all staff is eager to help (engineering students are a breeze to work with...INTELLIGENCE!)
-Biggest controversy/news on campus...some kid locked himself in his car threatening suicide.
-Schoole pride...everyone wears green, St. Pat's was fun (311 came to rolla)
The connectivity of the campus is great, walking to each class can be done from any point on campus in 15 minutes comfortably and usually 10 minutes isn't a problem.
I wish the school wasn't in the "middle of everywhere" becasue we're 100 miles from anywhere.
The Students at Missouri S&T are all bound together by a common enemy; Missouri S&T. The town is small, the dorms are unpleasant, and the food on campus is among the worst in the country. (also among the most expensive) The school is only tolerable because of the people. You are surrounded by students that are like you. Everyone here was the nerdy kid in school, we were all the geeks and the underdogs. It is easy to find friends, and people that like you the way you are. The social life at MST is truly its saving grace. Anyone you meet at a place like MST will be someone you can relate to and talk to.
The school is terrible. It's nothing more than a money machine. If you ask for help from the faculty you get told that some things aren't meant for everybody. There is no guidance. They want students that can teach themselves so they don't have to teach them. I wouldn't advise anyone to go to this school.
Our school is only about 6,000 students, and mostly guys. It's a good school, but the town is small. We have a great time during St. Patrick's Day, because he's the patron saint of engineers. The whole town celebrates it, and even has a parade.
the school is good for design teams, and apparently the faculty do some good research but this does not really effect thes tudents. the town of rolla sucks, the campus here sucks for the most part, however they are making improvements, but slow ones. most of the people hate it here, cuz it sucks here. you will spend many many hours doing hw, and teaching yourself how to do the school work since the teachers here suck and dont even care that they do.
UMR should have stuck with its name, MUST is a stupid name for a college. Getting rid of the deans was also a stupid decision, in my opinion. This school is trying to become a power player in the United States' university scene, but all of the top 10 colleges have deans. We shouldn't try to reinvent the wheel.
I love the fact that this campus is in a small college town. There are lots of places within none or a small driving distances to go hiking or camping to get away from academics. The size of the school is perfect; small enough to get to know people, but big enough that you don't know everybody. When people hear that I am from Missouri S&T they automatically assume that I am very intelligent and accomplished.
The biggest controversy on this campus was the recent name change from University of Missouri - Rolla (UMR) to Missouri University of Science and Technology (MUST or perhaps MST or Missouri S&T). I will always remember during the May 2008 commencement while the School's hymn or whatever it was supposed to be was being sung when they sung the new name (Missour S&T) all of the students graduating and the student and Alumni in the stands shouted "UMR!" There is a lot of loyalty to this school, but we will see how the name change and the way that change came about will actually affect future alumni for the next couple of years.
The issue that most students complain about is the food. The food from the cafeteria brought to you by Chartwells (which by the way just renewed their contract with the school). This food is poorly prepared and it is extremely expensive to pay for a decent meal plan. About one and a half to two years ago Chartwell served some sloppy-joes and every student that ate on became ill with symptoms of food posioning. Rather than acknowleging this they decided to call it the stomach flu and handed care packages out. It is now on the records book as the stomach flu.
The student health (aka student death) facility is sub-par. The people that work there know nothing about health care. I went in once while feeling very sick and the only thing they did was agree with me and hand me some allergy pills. Other people have gone in there with broken bones and the staff did nothing except tell the student to wait and see what happens and proceeded to hand them some allergy pills. For students without health care insurance this is a very unfortunate place.
the best thing of Missouri S&T its the ability to create leadership between new freshman students. the atmosphere of the dorms has great potential of creating new leaders but on the dark side of this leadership is creating nerds!... yes nerds that don't have a life and only talk about video games, card games, and WOW. The thing i would change about Missouri S&T is the price of the courses, MS&T was very for me as an international student that is one of the reasons i will be transferring to a different school that is better for my major (Petroleum Engineering). Missouri S&T is very small!.. the big thing in the town is walmart!. The reaction of people when i tell them to MS&T is wondering what it is... they still don't know the name! i spend most of my time studying! tests will be all over the calender week after week. on the weekends i stay home because i'm sick of seeing the same people over and over in every party