Missouri University of Science and Technology Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Missouri University of Science and Technology?


The kind of person that shouldn't attend this school is someone who doesn't want to work. This school is very demanding of your time. This is not a party school.


Extreamly shy or lazy people should not attend Missour S&T. Like i said before more active students do better and that is only made harder if you are extreamly shy or timid. And laazy people prabably will find it hard a t any university, but especially here were the classes are all really hard there is no easy way out here as they prepare you to be the best engineers Missouri has to offer.


This school is mainly an engineering school so it requires people that really love to solve problems. Students who intend on slacking off and doing the minimum should never think of attending this school. Students should also be willing to join many extracurricular activities. Joining clubs is one of the best resources I have found here.


Party Animal. ACT Less than 22 or 23. Non-Engineer major.


If you are one who enjoys being around a lot of people all the time, or one who is not mainly academically focused, this campus is probably not the best choice for you.


Someone who doesn't either want to devote their life to drinking or to video games.


A party animal or a lazy personl


A person that enjoys math and science.


If you don't like *very* hard work or sticking to your goal (i.e. having the will power to make sacrifices in order to succeed), you probably shouldn't attend.


If you do not like math or anti social people do not attend. The campus is just the right size. You can have fun here if you want to but this school is focused on education. the weekends are ok most of the town parties. During St. Pat's if you don't like partying leave town